Mar 26 2024 35 mins 13
Join Dr. Jasser as he looks at 14 years of Obamacare and the descent of American medicine and healthcare into essentially full blown socialized medicine. As a primary care provider in the Phoenix Valley, and a national leader in organized medicine and private practice, Zuhdi looks at the 14th anniversary of Obamacare and how President Biden, Obama 3.0 and the rest of the predators in the healthcare market exploited the pandemic to further destroy small business medicine. Last, Dr. Jasser reflects on a Rasmussen study about the election corruption rotting the elite of the Democrat liberal establishment revealed in a recent Rasmussen study. If correct, it does not bode well for our democracy.
Keywords: Zuhdi Jasser, Healthcare, Obamacare, socialized medicine, primary care, private practice, doctor, physician, elite, establishment, corruption, elections, election integrity
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