We’re delighted to welcome back Laura to chat with us for September’s podcast! Regular listeners may remember that she is a hospice chaplain and spoke with us before about spiritual practices. For this podcast, Laura joins Holly and Darren, to help us navigate the concept and practice of lament. What are the processes of lament and what are the practices or techniques that might help us? Do we just need to read the book of Psalms? What could churches do better to support individuals or act corporately?
Listen to the conversation here. As ever, If you have any thoughts you’d like to share about any aspect of this podcast please do get in touch. It’s always great to hear from you and have you join the conversation too.
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Links from this podcast
Taking Spiritual Care with Laura
Shelly Rambo
Katie Cross from the smallVOICE archives
This podcast was recorded via Zoom on Thursday 22 August 2024.
Available from Apple Podcasts , TuneIn Radio, and via your favourite podcast App.
Duration: 32 minutes.
Theme music and stings by Nicolai Heidlas.