Oct 30 2024 56 mins
By Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, and Major Mike Gary, US Army Reserves CBRN Officer
America, this November 5, 2024 is our generation’s D-Day at Normandy, our line in the sand to defend Liberty or descend into the darkness of more of the tyranny we have experienced since January 2021. It is our battle now to “storm the beaches” of the ballot boxes in early voting to stop an enemy seeking to destroy our Constitutional Republic.
The battle we face to re-take our Constitutional Republic is very much analogous to the battle US Soldiers faced as they stormed the beaches of Normandy June 6, 1944 to liberate Europe from the tyrannical and evil grip of Germany’s Nazi machine seeking to control the world. They faced a devastating kinetic war. We face a war of words, propaganda, disinformation, corruption, and lies in today’s battle using peaceful means of our right to vote.
Unlike Europe, Russia, Asia and the South Pacific, America has not previously faced a kinetic war that took place on our homeland. Until this current invasion of millions of military aged males illegally crossing our open southern and northern borders, America has enjoyed God’s blessing of a nation free of ground wars.
But since the Obama-Biden and Harris-Biden administrations’ “open border” policies. America is facing rising crime, violence, and loss of our national identity and culture as a result of these foreign invaders. To date, these illegal invaders from more than 181 countries around the world have been allowed to take over our streets and communities, towns and cities and rape/murder our citizens without any contest or significant push-back.
America is deliberately and intentionally being “transformed” (Barack Hussein Obama’s word he used five days before the election of 2208) into a 3rd world tyrannical, lawless hell hole in record time.
Where are the bold and courageous Americans of the WWII era? Where is that spirit and American pride? We have forgotten our proud heritage and rich history. Wake up! Focus!
We urge all Americans to focus your heart and mind and efforts on November 5, 2024. Make this day OUR Liberation Day. Just as D-day was the beginning of the liberation of Europe in WWII, this Liberation Day (Nov 5) is the beginning for restoring this nation back to the values and principles that has made America the greatest and most prosperous and free Nation in the modern era.
Elon Musk recently reposted a stunning chart that demonstrates right now how the bleak is the state of the American dream and our future. This graphic showed that he chart 6.5% of the entire Nicaraguan population has come illegally into America in the last four years. That is just ONE country sending illegals flooding our open borders. In 2024, there are 181 or more countries emptying their prisons of violent criminals, mostly males 15-35, and sending them into America –with the blessing and financial assistance of the Harris-Biden Administration and US taxpayer dollars.
America, we cannot sustain this level of illegal invaders provided free transportation, food, housing, medical care, phones and other services paid for by hard-working Americans. Our way-of-life will be gone very soon and for some Americans it has already been destroyed. Police are overwhelmed, crime is rampant. People have lost hope that there will be a law enforcement response to crime.
The only way to end this destruction and madness is to exercise our civic duty and sacred honor as American citizens to Vote!
There is another concerning statistic recently reported: 32 million Christians are considering not voting. If you consider yourself a follower of Christ and call yourself Christian, then you have a Biblical duty to live up to it! Did Christ let the pharisees get away with bastardizing the law? No, he did not. If fact he put them in their place time and time again.
Jesus also used harsh language as in Mathew 12: Brood[ of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 3A good man out of the good treasure [b]of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (NKJV)
And Mathew 23: “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. ]Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore, you will receive greater condemnation. (NKJV)
Fellow Christian, are you really going to let harsh language and mean tweets prevent you from voting? Would Christ be proud of you standing on the sidelines and sitting this most important vote out? No, He would NOT!
GOD has essentially left the election decision in the hands of Christians. If the 32 million Christians would go out and vote to save this country, it will be restored. No amount of election fraud could overcome those 32 million people voting for Biblical principles. God has left it in our hands to determine the future of America.
Pray. Listen to God’s leading. Do the right thing and cast a righteous vote. If you are struggling about people vs principle, personalities vs polices, step back and consider the bigger perspective as our hosts on today’s show did in sharing their personal reasons for voting in Election 2024:
I’m voting for the 1st Amendment and the freedom of speech. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration. You can only stuff so many people in this country and burden the American people so much before this whole thing comes crumbling down.
I’m voting for election integrity, which should include mandatory voter ID.
We need ID for every single thing we do in this country. We must have Voter ID.
I’m voting for the 2nd Amendment, and my right to defend my life and my family. Much of the crime isn’t actually recorded anymore. It’s not even reported. We need to be able to defend ourselves in this kind of environment.
I’m voting for law and order and an end to all of these protesters that trespass and destroy private property, burn our cities, and harm people, buildings, and animals. It’s devastating to see our country come to this.
I’m voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the streets. This is absolutely insane.
I’m voting for the electoral college to be maintained as a protection for all of us who live in smaller States, so that we are not overrun and ruled by the dense cities of the East and West Coast. I don’t want the tyranny of the majority.
I’m voting for the next Supreme Court justices to protect the Constitution, Bill of Rights and all of our founding. As we’ve seen, the founding of this country has been eroded so bad, that a lot of it has been physically torn down.
I’m voting for federal judges who respect the Constitution and Bill of Rights instead of trying to decide on their own what the new laws should be.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs in America and not to be outsourced all over the world to places like China, Mexico, and other foreign countries. The people of this nation have lost their purpose. Having a job gives us purpose and something to be proud of in our lives.
I’m voting for doing away with all of the freebies that are given to illegals without looking out for the needs of American citizens, homeless veterans, and others in need across our country. Government handouts do nothing but destroy an individual’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
I’m voting to keep men out of women’s sports. This is a total morale killer, and it has spread so much confusion in every place where people interact.
I’m voting for the military and the veterans who fought for this country. We spent an immense amount of time in 2021, 2022, and 2023 defending the abuse of our military service members who were volunteers. These veterans were horribly abused by the Biden-Harris administration with the covid mandates, all the testing, and all the purging of the military based on religious beliefs who also followed their oath of office. I want us to return to respecting the military, veterans, and service members. Their constitutional rights need to be defended and honored as well.
I’m voting for peace in the Middle East and all around the world, a return of our troops from foreign countries, and minimizing America’s involvement in foreign conflicts. I can tell you, 20 plus years of conflict has NOT made our military forces any stronger. It’s made us so weak.
I’m voting to fight against the war on children in the human and child trafficking rings. I want to see an end of the rape/slavery industrial complex and all others that are supporting such horrific abuse against children.
I’m voting for religious freedom. There has been an anti-Christian mentality in this current administration. I am voting for a restoration of the freedom of religion.
I am voting for the return of education to teach the basics that we all need to live in a complex world.
I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms.
I want to see them have a future and enjoy the privileges that I did when I was younger.
You’re voting for America to survive as a Constitutional Republic with life, liberty and justice for all and one nation under God.
The current Harris-Biden administration has vowed unequivocally to continue the fundamental transformation” of America into a socialist-Marxist top-down government with all power and privilege to a few political and business globalists seeking a New world order controlled by them for their wealth and benefit.
Americans who care about our core principles must “Swamp the Vote!” and vote on values and polices you know are crucial to continue America as a free nation.
We have one last chance in Election 2024 to save this country by choosing those promising to restore our civil rights, rule of law, secure our borders, and reduce the size and power of a federal government drunk on spending taxpayer money we do not have.
We must be a part of the growing wave of people who want American back to the country inspired by God as our Founders envisioned. We need to make this election “too big to rig” and make it a sure victory for our Constitutional Republic. Make it a sure victory!
Do your part and make it too “Big to Rig” that way we can restore the rule of law and bring liberty, order, human decency, prosperity and morality back into our America.
E.O.’s And Presidential Directives With Muscle… – The Marshall Report
The post office is guilty of fraud in the 2020 election with proof.mp4
Shared post – More about Ballot Printers and USPS Corruption
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