Apr 14 2024 43 mins 4
This week’s interview with your host, Dennis Tubbergen, on RLA Radio, features Simon Popple, a gold investment expert, discussing his views on the current state of the banking sector, commodities, and the real estate market. Popple believes that banks have been able to rely on central banks to print money, but this may not be sustainable in the long term. He is a strong advocate for investing in commodities, particularly gold, as they are tangible assets that cannot be printed. Popple also expressed concern about the commercial real estate market, as demand for these properties is decreasing due to more people working from home.
Mr. Simon Popple is the author of the Brookville Capital Intelligence Report. Mr. Popple started a newsletter with MoneyWeek called Metals & Miners, and when they were acquired, he set up Gold Speculator with Jim Rickards. During this time, he was a featured speaker at MoneyWeek and Mines & Money conferences. Mr. Popple has also done numerous interviews with IGTV on the gold market.
To learn more about this week’s guest, Simon Popple, and his new book “Investing in a Recession: Why I Like Gold,” please visit goldprogram.co.uk. To learn more about Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, please visit our website at www.RetirementLifestyleAdvocates.com.