Nov 18 2024 57 mins 9
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On this show, I play a song from Billy Treacy and the Scope; all the information is on the task; I am way into Junior Taskmaster; I watch all English language Taskmasters but am not sold on Norway; Three Bean Salad podcast is not for me; I reiterate Slusher's Law of Podcasting; let's make transitions clear for that one dickhead with the bad review; I set up Pi-Hole in my network; I got fiber to my house; the first hour of fiber and Pi-Hole were dicey; I am trying to tidy my house 10 minutes at a time; I am working on Spanish with telenovelas and one page at a time; I am selling grampa stuff one weird coin at a time.
Here is the direct MP3 download for the Evil Genius Chronicles podcast, November 18 2024.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Support this show on Patreon
- Billy Treacy and the Scope
- "The End" by Billy Treacy and the Scope on YouTube
- Mike Wozniak on the Taskmaster Podcast
- Junior Taskmaster
- Three Bean Salad Podcast
- Pi-Hole
- Yo Soy Betty La Fea
- [email protected] is my Bookwyrm account
- My Keybase account
- Auphonic podcast production tool is so good!
- Theme song provided by the Gentle Readers
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