In his previous conversation centered on Rom. 1:16-17, Roy Ciampa contextualized the unique phrase ἐκ πίστεως (translated there as, “through faith”) in Greek writings generally and Romans in particular. He now studies this phrase throughout Galatians, with special reference to Gal. 2:16. In addition to his posts at Samford University and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary mentioned in the notes to the earlier episode, Dr. Ciampa has served as manager for integrated training at American Bible Society’s Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, lectured and taught internationally, and was earlier a missionary professor of biblical studies in Portugal where he served as a translator for the Portuguese Bible Society’s contemporary Portuguese translation of the Bible. For more detail on the topic of this episode, see Roy E. Ciampa, “Habakkuk 2:4 in Galatians: Rewritings and Snippet Quotations,” pp. 77-94 in Scriptures, Texts, and Tracings in Galatians and 1 Thessalonians.
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