How to filter episodes?

By default the app will display every episodes available in the RSS feed you subscribed to.
If you want to filter some of the episodes you can do so in the podcast custom settings.

Long press on the podcast and select 'Custom Settings'. Then select the 'Episode filter' entry.
You can select which type of episodes you want to see in your feeds. For example if you sometimes have text articles in your feed, you can hide them by unselecting the Text type.
You can also filter episodes by their title.

Lets assume you subscribed to a radio feed that has hourly episodes called 'Hourly episode 6am' and daily episodes called 'Daily 04-25'.
If you only want to retrieve the daily episodes you can use the 'Included keywords' field to enter some keywords that must be part of the episode title (otherwise the episode will not be displayed in the app). In this example you would enter the word 'daily'.

You can also use the 'Excluded keywords' field to enter some keywords that cannot be part of the episode title (otherwise the episode will not be displayed in the app). In this example you would enter the word 'hourly'.

You can use both fields to create more complex rules to match your needs.
For example you can separate keywords with a comma in order to create a logical AND rule.
You can add a new line to add a logical OR condition.


keywordA, KeywordB

This example applied to the 'include rule', means that the app will only display episodes which title contains both KeywordA and keywordB or keywordC.
This can also be applied to the 'exclude rule'. In that case the app will reject episodes which title contains both KeywordA and keywordB or keywordC.