How can I subscribe to YouTube channels through Podcast Addict?

Subscribing to a YouTube channel through Podcast Addict is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

1. Open the Podcast Addict app on your device.
2. On the main screen, tap on the `+` button. This is how you add new content to the app.
3. In the options that appear, tap on the `RSS` button.
4. Now you need the URL of the YouTube channel you wish to subscribe to. This URL is typically found in the address bar of your web browser when you're visiting the channel on YouTube.
5. Copy that URL, then switch back to Podcast Addict.
6. Paste the URL into the provided field in Podcast Addict.

By following these steps, you can add any YouTube channel to your Podcast Addict list. You'll be able to manage this list within the app, and new videos from the channel will appear there as they're released.
However, please note that the actual playback of these YouTube videos is still handled by the YouTube app. When you tap on a video in Podcast Addict, it will open in YouTube for you to watch.