Mar 10 2025 49 mins 12
- (2:35) Bible Study:
- Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18
- Why is Leviticus such an important book? Father explains
- Matthew 25:31-46
- How does this reading connect with Leviticus? Don’t worry It fits better than you’d think.
- Luke 4:1-13
- Is there importance to the word “if” in this passage?
- Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18
(22:35) Break 1
- (26:21) Letters:
- Does the burnt offering always have to be male in the Old Testament? Do I need to confess a mortal sin if I don’t realize I committed it? Father answers these and other questions. Send him a letter at [email protected]
(40:08) Break 2
- (40:41) Word of the Day:
- Minister
- (41:59) Phones:
- Judy - Because there are so many religions, I'm concerned that one of them may be wrong, and what is your opinion on that, and set me straight?
- Pam - Didn't Satan know Jesus was the son of God?
- Angela - My husband died a couple year ago. If he's in heaven/purgatory, does he hear me when I call out to him/talk to him?
- Patty - There's one commandment, about follow the Sabbath. When did we no longer follow the Sabbath. When change and why?