Feb 13 2025 25 mins 2
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Technology comes and goes; you can call it the cloud, zero trust, or even Artificial intelligence. In early 2025, we see stress that we have not seen before.
The GAO has issued a report examining the federal IT Acquisition process and concluding that it needs to strengthen oversight, implement a mature acquisition strategy, and have a capacity-capable system.
Today, we sat down with Reid Jackson from Unison to discuss how to make these key acquisitions. During the interview, he discussed Acquisition Management, Cost Engineering, Virtual Acquisition, and Project Management.
Unison has been involved in federal acquisition since 1984 and has a deep and thorough understanding of the procurement process. Reid Jackson relates that some newer organizations may have a superficial knowledge of regulations and may deploy software solutions that do not enable astute and effective decisions for federal agencies.
During the interview, Reid Jackson from Unison overviews many aspects of these challenges.