Dec 06 2024 44 mins 3
Festive Fans Unite! (send us a message)
For this episode, we travel to the Middle East and the region which today is known as the Palestinian Territory. In the same way that Festive Fans covered Russia and Ukraine last December, we wanted to visit another area in need of hope during this holiday season. Finding joy during times of war can be deeply challenging. What is ironic is how the birthplace of the Prince of Peace has seen such ongoing human suffering, political tension, and regional instability. We view the State of Palestine through the eyes of a father and son, Abu and Shadi, featured in the 2017 film Wajib. Not only is there the existing tension between the Palestinians and the Israelis, but also the strained relationship between the father and son.
Abu lives in the daily shadow of oppression, trying his best to continue a normal life. Shadi lives in Italy, after having been forced to leave because of his political activity. Their internal struggle is brought to the surface when Shadi returns to Nazareth for his sister’s wedding. Shadi is angry by what he sees as the humiliation of the Palestinian people, but Abu is loyal and devoted to his homeland. The two spend the day together hand-delivering wedding invitations. The constant bickering can be exhausting, but their quiet resolution is touching and reminds us how hope can flourish even in the midst of strife. If there is a Christmas message here, it is the importance of human connection among all people. This offers the only possibility for peace and the promise of a better tomorrow.
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