Nov 08 2023 82 mins 58
"Fine" Dining is back to weekly releases!
- The Melting Pot is in the midst of a renaissance, with ambitious expansion goals
- Michael details the changes moving into the new season
- Learn about the history of the franchise in Eat Deets (fka Resty Fact Round-Up)
- Guest host Rhyan Schwartz gives Michael someone to eat all the cheese that our host refuses to touch
- Michael rebrands cheese to ch**se
- Harrison Augustine 💸 Arrylius the XIV shares his wealth of knowledge to give The Melting Pot advice on their wall art
- The Melting Pot is sending mixed signals to platonic friends
- A battle between servers has Michael & Rhyan asking What's Going On Over There?
- Panic sets in as the stress involved with timing your meat-cooking is Way Too Much
- The most patriotic 5-star Yelp review ever in this week's Yelp from Strangers
- Stay tuned to the very end...there may or may not be a post-credits scene
Additional Voice Actors: Jessa Day
Music by: James McEnelly (@Ramshackle_Music)
Theme Song by: Kyle Schieffer (@JazzyJellyfish)
Segment Transitions Voiced by: Sandy Rose
"Fine" Dining is on Patreon! Get an extra episode every month (October's episode explored Dave's Hot Chicken), extended Yelp from Strangers segments every other week, merch discounts, download access to our music including the 7 singles from our Olive Garden musical, and more!
Patreon Producers: Sean Spademan, Joyce Van, & Sue Ornelas
Get the 5 Survival Tips for Casual Dining at!
Send in your Melting Pot stories at [email protected].
Follow the show on TikTok and Instagram @finediningpodcast
Let me know where I should go next by leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, PodcastAddict, Overcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. I read every one!
Next week on "Fine" Dining: Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant (Eat Deets)! I'm joined by All Elite Wrestling's "Pretty" Peter Avalon, and for the first part of the episode, I'll be teaching him the history of Gordon Biersch and their claim to have invented garlic fries. Ever work at a Gordon Biersch? Send your stories to [email protected].
Totally Not Sponsored By: Harrison Augustine 💸 Arrylius the XIV