Aug 29 2023 36 mins 1
Episode 161: Tarot Talk and Astro Update #13 - Holly reviews if tarot cards can really predict the future while Carol discusses Vedic Astrology’s Sade Sati, the Saturn return of Western Astrology and coming eclipses as it relates to the United States. Tarot cards read on if the people of Peru are really battling aliens.
Credits: Saturn Return Calculator, Astrology Online Chart |Saturn Return: The Most Important Aspect of Your Life | SATURN, FEAR AND THE ILLUSION OF THE END OF THE WORLD - Applied Vedic Astrology | Guide to understand the significance Saturn return in Astrology | Astrosaxena | Swami Premanand Bharti | Vishal Saxena Astrologer | Gandanta Degrees or Gandanta Points | Donald John Trump Shani Sadesati Report | September Predictions 2023: Shocking event, changes the world the most important month! | Vedic versus Western Astrology: Sade Sati versus Saturn Return | Sade Sati and Saturn Return in Each Astrological House | Is Joe Biden Running Out of Luck? USA Sade Sati & Biden Starts Saturn Dasha | Donald Trump Horoscope - A Vedic Astrology Perspective | Mint News/Is Peru Under Alien Attack? | 'Flying aliens' in Peru actually miners with jetpacks, police say
Tarot Decks: The Phantomwise Tarot by Erin Morgenstern and Trippin' Waite Tarot