Apr 01 2024 116 mins 3
A promising journalism career briefly takes a dark turn down the path of Instagram influencing. Alden Wicker, a freelance journalist and author, managed to come out the other side. Her career as a sustainable fashion journalist - as the editor of EcoCult and freelancer for numerous big name publications - culminated with her book To Dye For. We also discuss manifesting, MDMA and sex parties.
Countries featured: U.S.A., Bangladesh, India
Publications featured: Huffington Post, LearnVest, Newsweek, EcoCult, WIRED, Quartz, Refinery29, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, VTDigger
Here are links to some of the things we talked about:
My story in the Overseas Press Club Award-winning series - https://bit.ly/4ac8bBa
Alden's book To Dye For on Amazon.com - https://bit.ly/4afMBf5
EcoCult - https://ecocult.com
Alden's story for Newsweek - https://bit.ly/43ByRch
Her story about American Spirit cigarettes - https://bit.ly/4aCD5Cu
Her story on a startup sex party with a questionable founder - https://bit.ly/4cEZwcg
Her Harper's Bazaar story on toxic clothing - https://bit.ly/43FM5og
Sourcing Journal - https://sourcingjournal.com
Rebecca Solnit's story In the Shadow of Silicon Valley - https://bit.ly/4cD02Hw
Alden's story about Burning Man environmental impacts - https://bit.ly/3xknjOw
The book She Said - https://bit.ly/4aBJmP2
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Music: LoveChances (makaih.com) by Makaih Beats
From: freemusicarchive.org