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May 15 2022 34 mins   279

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In this second part of my interview with Manolo we will talk about his confrérie (a society of people who get together to perpetuate a tradition, a skill): la Confrérie des amateurs de Sagarno de la Bidassoa. This society is currently under process to be part of the Unesco intangible cultural heritage list. Learn the reasons behind the decline then the revival of the art of making “vin de pomme”, the types of apples used for the process, the amount of wine produced by the fellowship. You’ll also find out why drinking wine gives you headaches!

Thank you Mike for putting me in touch with Manolo! If you too know someone who would be a fantastic guest for French Voices, someone with a passion they would love to share, please get in touch!

Vocab List

aléas (nm plur) = hazards, vagaries, contingencies, risks

ascenseur social (nm) = social mobility

cahier des charges (nm) = (bill of) specifications

casse-croûte (nm) (fam) = snack

confrère (nm) = colleague ; fellow, brother

confrérie (nf) = brotherhood, fellowship ; association, society, guild

filer entre les doigts (de qn) = to slip through (sb)’s fingers

grosso modo = roughly

moine (nm) = monk

prendre l’apéro (fam) = prendre l’apéritif = to have an aperitif

pressoir (nm) = press

regain (nm) = renewal, revival, resurgence ; rise

rentable = profitable, money-making

revendiquer sa basquitude = to claim one’s basque origins

soufre (nm) = sulphur

valoir le coup = to be worth it

verger (nm) = orchard

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The post FV 133 : (Part 2) The “vin de pomme” from Pays Basque appeared first on French Your Way.