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Apr 25 2024 28 mins   1

In the first conversation, host Leo Kelly, CEO of Verdence Capital Advisors, talks with Michele Welsh, Chief Marketing Officer at Verdence, about the inspiration behind starting this entrepreneurial podcast.

Leo and Michele briefly discuss Leo's journey from working at Merrill Lynch to breaking off on his own to start an independent wealth management firm, overcoming challenges and risks. They discuss the importance of company culture, hiring the right people, and always keeping the client's best interests in mind.

Leo emphasizes that while people often attribute success to luck, true success comes from recognizing opportunities, understanding them fully, working hard to build upon them, accepting and embracing risk, and eventually finding "overnight success" after years of effort. Leo believes luck has little to do with entrepreneurial success - it actually comes from grit, perseverance through challenges, the ability to pivot, and learning from failures along the way.

Stay tuned for future episodes featuring interviews with business owners across industries to learn the stories behind their successes and failures. Subscribe on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts, or visit the Verdence Capital Advisors website to catch new episodes when they drop.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Y7lZtAdVDX8

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