Feb 07 2025 100 mins 11
My friend Bob Morano, AKA @Everydayisfeastday on all social media platforms is an incredible resource for simple easy and delicious cooking recipes and techniques. Very succinct directions that gives you the broad stokes on cooking from a very approachable guy, Bob is on a well deserved rise and joins me this week. We talked about his time at the Culinary institute of America and years as a professional chef to what he’s doing now when he’s not in front of the camera. Bob is just what the doctor ordered; easy and no frills techniques that makes you want to cook for your family. Thanks Bob for your generosity with your time.
Follow Bob everywhere as @everydayisfeastday
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Join us in Barcelona for the 2025 weekend Workshops!
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*******ARTICLES ON SECTION 230*******
Is This the End of the Internet As We Know It? | ACLU
Infographic: Why Section 230 Is So Important | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Interpreting the ambiguities of Section 230 | Brookings
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Thank you Baker Forge & Tool for your beautiful Steel. Go to Bakerforge.com to see all the incredible steels they offer. ‘FullBlast’ gets you 10% off your order
Welcome to our new Sponsor- EVENHEAT- Manufacturers of the best heat treating ovens available.
To find your next oven go to Evenheat-kiln.com
Follow them on Instagram:
Welcome aboard Texas Farrier Supply! For all your forging and knife making supplies go to www.texasfarriersupply.com and get 10% off your order with PROMOCODE Knifetalk10
Brodbeck Ironworks
Makers of an Incredibly versatile grinder, with Many different attachments
Leather sewing equipment and even abrasives
Check out Brodbeck Ironworks for yourself:
“Knifetalk10” gets you 10% off
Follow Brodbeck Ironworks on Instagram
Trojan Horse Forge
Get your THF Stabile Rail knife finishing vise at
And when you use the promo code “FULLBLAST10 you get 10%off everything on the site.
Follow them on instagram:
Adhesives, paints, primers and polishing compounds.
Go to http://totalboat.com/FULLBLAST
To support the podcast
Welcome G.L.Hanson and Sons
G.L. Hansen & Sons
On Instagram
G-Carta is unique composite of natural fibers and fabrics mixed with epoxy under pressure and heat
Boofa, ripple cut, Tuxini, by Mikie, Mahi Mahi, Radio worm g-carta
Pheasant by Mikie
Colorama by Mikie
Hoopla by Mike
Amazing colors and razzle dazzle for your project.
All your knifemaking needs, belts abrasive, steals, kilns forges presses, heat treating ovens anvils and everything you need to get started or resupply. Including Dr. Thomas’s book:“Knife Engineering”
They’re in Canada but ship to the US with ease and you can take advantage of the exchange rate
The steel selection is always growing and Lawrence just got 3900 lbs. of steel in.
10% off on abrasive belt packs of 10
get a hold of https://www.instagram.com/maritimeknifesupply/ and see what the fuss is about.
Welcome Tormek as a sponsor to the show. Take your sharpening to a new level. I love these sharpening machines. Waterfed, easy to use. Jigs included. Definitely check out what they have to offer. If you need it sharpened, Tormek is definitely something for you:
Go look at the course curriculum at CMA:
** Taking classes from some of the best in forging at one of the best facilities in the country is an excellent opportunity to propel yourself as a blacksmith. Not to be missed. And with housing on the campus it’s a great way to get yourself to the next level.
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