Feb 26 2021 116 mins 9
The crew finally have a chance to speak with Aram Yafar. But will he know where Noor is? What about the Emissary, with the announcment they've gone missing, the mood on Coriolis has gotten quite sour...
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You can get an hand outs or behind the scenes notes for this campaign and more at https://www.patreon.com/MillietheGM
Originally broadcast on the Free League Twitch, come join us on Tuesdays from 8pm GMT! https://www.twitch.tv/freeleaguepublishing
We used the Epic Syrinscape during our game, Millie is a Super Syrin" and built some of the soundsets just for this game, along with using some of the pre made sound packs! https://syrinscape.com
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