Jan 06 2025 79 mins 1
Originally Aired: 01/03/25 – We look back and give our picks for the Best of the Best 2024 and we are joined by Petula Neale & Kris Johnson.
Show Notes:
2025 is finally here! Geek Hard is celebrating the same way we do every year: by taking one final look back on the previous year and declaring what was the Best of the Best.
Join us for a special 80-minute episode where we count down the Best of the Best in comics, television and movies from 2024. What was the best ongoing comic series of the year? The Deviant, Transformers or something else entirely? What was the best T.V. series – Blue-Eyed Samurai, Reservation Dogs and The Bear are all previous winners. How about the best film? With a return to a full field this year it will be interesting to see what we pick with Civil War, Deadpool 7 Wolverine and Hundreds of Beavers to choose from. These questions are answered by Andrew, Mr. Green and our special panel of judges. So who’s on this panel? Why none other than two of Geek Hard’s best and brightest, we were joined by our expert panel Petulla Neale and Kris Johnson.
Petula Neale joins us for her 7th appearance on the panel. Petula is the better half of the Back Issue Bloodbath podcast and always has great picks! Expect a few surprises for her movie and TV. picks. Kris Johnson returns to provide his expertise for the 14th straight year! Kris is the co-writer of the longest-running column on our website, New Comics! What will be his pick for comic of the year? Who knows? Andrew will be okay with it as long as it doesn’t involve Venom.
You’re not going to want to miss this fantastic look back at the entertainment from 2024. You might find out about a show, a comic, or a film you missed. You could also get confirmation that you’re not crazy and that the thing you loved this year was, in fact, the Best of the Best. The only way to find out is to listen.
It was a great show!
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Production Credits:
Geek Hard Logo – Candice Hibbard and Rich Robbins Technical Production – Gary LaBarr, Recorded at the Reality Radio 101 StudioHosts/Producers – Andrew Young & James Green
Music Credits:
Opening Music “Eterna Teen” by Mark Holman“Skill of Gymnastics, Kill of Karate” by More Or Les“Forza” by Aaron DeGroot“Generic Superhero Movie Theme” by Aaron DeGroot“Critters Emerging” by Aaron DeGroot“Talvi” by Aaron DeGroot“The 4 Seasons of Algonquin” by Aaron DeGroot“Abomination” by Aaron DeGroot“Nerd Love” by More Or LesClosing Music – “Barter In Nostalgia” by Wordburglar