Oct 15 2024 79 mins 5
This is gonna be a salty podcast. That’s right, I want to touch on the benefits of staying salty and the crucial role of electrolytes. The vast majority of my clientele I am finding has an electrolytes imbalance, and are chronically dehydrated. Drinking water is important. but without the minerals to help it get into the cell, you will spending more time in the bathroom than out living your best life with vitality and energy. The vast majority of my clientele are chronically fatigued too, and one of the first things I address with them is minerals and electrolytes. So to help you understand the crucial role of electrolytes, staying salty and other ways to optimize your health, because that’s what this podcast is all about, I’ve brought on Charles Barber.....Charles is a nutrition educator and researcher, plant geneticist and soil scientist after struggling for years with chronic fatigue, weakened immunity and depression and found that when it comes to nutrition our world is missing 4 crucial things....
I”ll let him enlighten you as to what those are.
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Swanwick Sleep https://www.bn10strk.com/FITFOR10/ Promo code: FITFOR10 or JODELLE10
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Flo’s Daughter Etsy Store - my favorite natural skin care: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FlosDaughte...
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InfoPathy Infoceuticals...simply drink water to get any supplement you need......: https://www.infopathy.com/?invite=653...
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Time Stamps:
Too much rigidity in health: 6:20
How to choose the best quality salt: 10:35
Salt and the other minerals crucial role in the body for many reasons: 20:00
EMF and why we need more electrolytes more than ever: 38:00
Magnesium Bicarbonate: 48:20
Ozone Therapy 1:10:30