On December 23, 2011, viewers the world over lit their candles, gathered around their trees—and watched Brandon Routh beat the s**t out of Yvonne Strahovski. Now, in 2021, Erin and Chris repeat this vital holiday tradition for your listening pleasure! Get a preview of our hosts’ holiday voicemail greetings, wonder with us what the heck is going on with the Omen virus, and learn how John Casey is like a raccoon. Also: Chris ruins the holiday season for the children of the world, and Erin unlocks a new fantasy. It’s the most wonderful time of the year—this week on Ho Ho Ho Chuck Yourself!
"Chuck" out the complete archive of past GCY episodes at https://gochuckyourself.podbean.com/
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Theme music: “Warm Up” by Hadokowa via freemusicarchive.org.
Cover Art by Molly Gillespie @ www.mollyegillespie.com.