Father God designed His master plan for humanity to be family-centered and multi-generational. According to Deuteronomy 6, God’s system - His commands, decrees, and regulations – are intended to bless you, your children and your grandchildren so that your entire family will enjoy long life and have prosperous years ahead of you.
God’s plan is for each generation to bless the following generations. This truth is expressed in Psalm 145:4. It’s written like this in The Voice translation.
One generation after another will celebrate Your great works; they will pass on the story of Your powerful acts to their children. - Psalm 145:4, The Voice
As a part of the older generation, we bless you and all younger generations. We want to bless you with the prayer found in Ephesians 3:14-21 as written in The Living Bible. This prayer was originally penned by the Apostle Paul for the entire Body of Christ. As I read the prayer, we decree and declare all the blessings found in these words over you and your whole family.