Jan 31 2025 56 mins 83
An Altadena bar owner works to be a good neighbor while a cooking school taps home chefs from around the globe.
- After the Eaton Fire, Randy Clement, who owns Good Neighbor Bar, used wine delivery software to canvas Altadena, informing neighbors whether or not their homes had survived.
- Sergio Olmos reports on the recent immigration raids in Kern County.
- Lisa Kyung Gross founded the League of Kitchens Cooking School, where women from around the world act as instructors; now, they've compiled their recipes into a cookbook.
- Mother and daughter Patricia Tanumihardja and Juliana Evari Suparman share recipes from their Indonesian kitchen.
- Finally, Good Food looks back on a conversation with Slanted Door chef Charles Phan, who died unexpectedly last week.
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