Jan 31 2025 44 mins 3
As human beings we occupy a wondrously peculiar size in the cosmos. With our unique stature, we are able to see and comprehend scales of the universe at the inconceivably huge and the unimaginably small. We here at Good Heavens! believe God has arranged this peculiar state of affairs and wants us to know and delight in what He has made.
The heavens are telling of His glory and we want to be a part in getting His word and the works of His hands out there for everyone to contemplate, consider, and enjoy.
On this very special episode of Good Heavens! Dan had the remarkable opportunity this month (January) at the Defend 2025 apologetics conference at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to have a fun and inspiring chat with not one, but two professionally and popularly published doctors of the cosmos (at the same time!), one who studies the subatomic scale and one who studies galaxies, some of the largest entities in the cosmos.
Dr. Michael G. Strauss is a particle physicist at CERN and the University of Oklahoma and Dr. Luke Barnes is a researcher and lecturer of cosmology and astrophysics at Western Sydney University in Sydney, Australia. Both have published works at the professional and popular levels.
It was a wonder and a privilege to get them both at the table together to hear their insights about the structure of the universe at the large and small scales and how they see God in all of it.
Here on part one, we chat about the standard models of cosmology and particle physics, the wonder of stars, and the unsolved mysteries facing doctors of the cosmos today. Whether you are a theist, non-theist, or take a young earth or old earth perspective as a Christian, we hope you'll find these episodes encouraging and informative. Above all, we hope it will inspire you to have thoughtful and respectful dialogue with others with whom you might disagree.
Good Heavens! this was a fun conversation. We hope you'll enjoy it as much as Dan did putting it together for you!
Soli Deo Gloria.
More about Luke
More about Michael
Luke's books
Michael's book
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