Like a Bridegroom - Insights about the Sun from Scripture and the Parker Solar Probe - Part 2

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Mar 08 2025 36 mins   4

What does the Bible say about the sun? What is the purpose of the sun? Why did God create it? How does the sun remind us of God's invisible attributes? How could there have been life on earth before the sun? How can we best understand both what the Bible says and what science says about our sun?

The sun was designed and created for God's glory; for signs and for seasons, for days and years, to govern the day, and to give light on the earth. Come and see with Wayne and Dan what the Bible and the Parker Solar Probe can tell us not only about the sun, but about what God is like.

Audio clips used in this episode:


Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Dr. Carl Sagan

Dr. Nour Rawafi Ted Talk

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