Dec 26 2023 74 mins 22
This is audio from a panel discussion about the role of artists against imperialism and apartheid, that took place on November 29, 2023 in Atlanta, GA. Our focus was on the genocide unfolding in Palestine, however the topic spans many relevant points related to art, revolutionary movements, and more.
We expected about 40 people to show up, and instead nearly 100 did, and we had people sitting on the floors, in people's laps, and even 4 rows of chairs outside the room in the hallway listening.
The panel was hosted by WRFG, Artists Against Apartheid, Atlanta Radical Art Collective, and the Black Alliance for Peace Atlanta. The audio has been lightly edited for time purposes, and to make it a better listening experience.
We opened up with a series of readings from poets, which I unfortunately had to condense due to time constraints. If yall would like a 'bonus' episode with the full poetry readings, let me know.
Poets: Stephen Foster Smith, W.J. Lofton, Aurielle Marie
Panelists: Lulu Ali Amar, Umaymah, Rozina Shiraz Gilani, Musa Springer, Jasmine Nicole Williams (moderator)