Jan 26 2025 53 mins 31
Searchable Podcast Transcript
Gun Lawyer– Episode 222 Transcript
Gun lawyer, concealed carry, firearm license, Summit PD, survey form, constitutional rights, police
misconduct, carry permit, gun violence prevention, executive orders, Second Amendment, gun rights,
sensitive places, airsoft gun parts, 3D printing.
Evan Nappen, John, Teddy Nappen
Evan Nappen 00:15
I’m Evan Nappen, and welcome to Gun Lawyer. Today on the show, we have Teddy Nappen, who will
be doing his Press Checks segment. Hello, Teddy.
Teddy Nappen 00:30
You keep bringing me back. I don’t know why.
Evan Nappen 00:31
I do. I know. By public demand. But before Teddy does his segment and we talk about a lot of very
interesting things, we have a special guest today in the studio, and that is John. And John is from
Summit, New Jersey, and he has a very interesting story to tell about what happened to him. I think
listeners should listen to what he has to say and beware. So, John, welcome to Gun Lawyer.
John 01:09
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
Evan Nappen 01:11
My pleasure, John. So, tell me what happened in Summit. First of all, what did you apply for, a firearm
license? What did you apply for?
John 01:23
Yes, so it’s the concealed carry. I already had it for the two years, and I was reapplying. I guess, you
know. The expiration date was coming up, and so I reapplied for it. I got a phone call from the sergeant
there. I guess he’s relatively new, because I didn’t recognize him. He didn’t really know me, and I know
most of the people there. And he informed me to come on down and pick up. Everything was ready for
Evan Nappen 01:58
Okay, so let me stop you right there. So, you tried for your carry permit renewal, and you did so via the
state police. You did so online, correct?Page – 2 – of 18
John 02:11
That’s correct.
Evan Nappen 02:13
As I’m sure you know, the permits, when they’re granted, are sent to you online. They’re emailed to you
essentially, right?
John 02:22
That’s also correct.
Evan Nappen 02:24
So, here the Summit PD is telling you to come in to pick up your permit to carry and that it’s all ready,
right? That’s what you were told.
John 02:36
That’s exactly right. It threw me for a loop, but right. So, I proceeded to go see them, yup.
Evan Nappen 02:42
So, you went down there with the understanding that you were going to go there, and just for some
reason, pick up your carry permit physically at the PD. And what happened when you got there?
John 02:55
The gentleman, he came out. I waited about a half an hour. He came out, and he had a sheet of paper
with him. You know, prior to getting off the phone, when he told me to come pick it up, he says, oh, and
by the way, I have a couple of questions, a survey, for you to fill out. And I go, oh, okay.
Evan Nappen 03:16
He called it a survey.
John 03:18
Evan Nappen 03:19
Is that like, you know, like doing, like a Google rating or something? We have a survey. Do a review. I
mean, what the hell a survey? Okay.
John 03:27
It threw me for a loop. I didn’t understand it. But I say, all right, you know what? Let me go see what’s
going on. So, I do.
Teddy Nappen 03:35
Did you give him a one star?Page – 3 – of 18
Evan Nappen 03:37
Yeah, right, yeah. One star. So, when you look at the, so you walked in, and then you waited a half an
hour. What happened when you met him?
John 03:50
The sergeant comes out, he tells me who he is, and he has the sheet of paper and a pen. He, you
know, asked me to come over and fill it out. And there were either nine or 10 questions. I can’t
remember exactly on that form. And, you know, one of the questions is like, do you want to hurt anyone
presently? They asked about blunt trauma or something along those lines, or something like that. And
you know, there was a yes and no. Right down the list. And so.
Evan Nappen 04:26
Did you have to sign it?
John 04:28
I did. I did. I had to sign it. And so I’m thinking, okay, after I completed this series of questions, he’s
going to turn around and give me my credentials. Well, he then turns and says, well, he goes. I said, so
where’s my, where’s my, you know, credential? He goes, oh, no, we email that. We’ll email you that
credential. You know, we don’t give it to you. We don’t physically handed to you. And I said, well, that’s
what you said on the phone. He goes, oh, no, we don’t do that anymore. And he’s, like, proceeding to
go back in the office area. Like, you know, kind of blowing me off a little bit. And I’m like confused
standing there, and I’m going, what? What just happened here? Yeah, I just didn’t understand it.
Evan Nappen 05:17
Did he give you a copy of what you signed?
John 05:21
He did not. He did not.
Evan Nappen 05:22
Did you ask him for a copy?
John 05:25
I did not. I didn’t think of it until I got home and I go, wait, I should have asked him for a copy. So, no, I
didn’t ask him to be fair.
Evan Nappen 05:34
So, what you have here is a police department adding to the form for getting a carry license, and that is
not something found in the statute. This is not part of what their authority is for them to do. They can’t
just go on fishing expeditions like this. So, this extra form is improper, and not only that. They’re
creating another hurdle so that if you never got down there to do their “survey”, your license would be
getting further delayed. This is the kind of abuse that has to end. It is not how our laws are structured.
We have a uniform system for carry licensing since the Bruen decision, and we’re talking about a
Constitutional right. You were going to say something?Page – 4 – of 18
John 06:42
Absolutely. I felt that something was wrong. Because going back to the phone call, I was told
everything’s ready to be picked up. Come on down and, you know, pick up your credentials. So, when I
got there, it just felt underhanded in some kind of way. And the reason I say that is because, you know,
the sergeant basically baited me, in a sense, to tell me, hey, come pick up your things. You know, pick
up your credentials. But when I got there, it was, now he says, oh, no, we email it.
Evan Nappen 07:15
Yeah. So, you know, he basically, frankly, lied to you. Flat out, he lied to you. He misrepresented why
he wanted you to go down there, and then concealed the actual reason by calling this unauthorized
form a “survey”. He made you believe that you were just going to go down there and pick up your
license, which was untrue, and this is not how police should behave. I mean, we should be able to
believe our officers. They shouldn’t be misrepresenting to the public, to you, to applicants, to their
constituents. They’re supposed to just follow the law and not mislead and create added burdens of both
forms, your time, having to go there and to do this. It was wrong. It was wrong for them to lie to you. It
was wrong for them to put this forward, and I really am glad that you had the courage to share this with
folks. And if anybody else has experienced these kind of activities when trying to get the ability to
exercise your Constitutional rights, get a hold of me like John did. The best thing to do is to publicize it
and let it be known about departments that behave this way. So, John, thank you very much for sharing
the story.
Teddy Nappen 08:51
I have a couple questions.
Evan Nappen 08:53
Go ahead. Sure.
Teddy Nappen 08:54
My first question is, when you were there, and then he said, okay, can you do this survey, was there?
Did you any make any attempt to say no or like, why would I, why am I doing this? Is there. I’m not. I’m
just asking, kind of, like, was there very much like, oh, you need to do this in order to get your permit
from this guy.
John 09:15
Well, so, right, right. So, the way it was presented to me on the phone was, hey, you know, come and
pick up your credentials. And, oh, by the way, I have a survey or a questionnaire, whatever he called it
exactly, for you to fill out. So, I’m thinking, okay, maybe this is a part of the new procedures. You know,
I didn’t really study the law to the letter, so I’m a little gray in that area. I’m a little hairy in there. So, I’m
thinking, okay, maybe this is just something new that they’re doing. You know. Okay, sure, fine. I didn’t
really push back and ask them, do I need to fill this out? Or why am I? I didn’t really. I just thought, you
know, it was part of the new procedure or something. So, I just went with it. No big deal. But then again,
the way it was presented was, I got this questionnaire, and then, yeah, everything’s ready to be picked
up. So, I’m figuring after I do this questionnaire or survey, he’s going to then turn and hand me myPage – 5 – of 18
credentials. But he says, oh, well, the chief has to approve this. And once the chief approves it, we’re
going to email it to you. But again, going back to the original call, that’s not what was stated for me to
come down to the precinct, if that makes any sense.
Teddy Nappen 10:32
I got you.
Evan Nappen 10:32
And how long has it been since you went there now?
John 10:37
So, this was, what? Two ago, yeah.
Evan Nappen 10:42
And you still haven’t received your permit yet.
John 10:47
Nothing. I checked the emails before I jumped on the call. Nothing.
Evan Nappen 10:51
All right. Again, it’s good to put the disinfectant of light and truth on what’s going on. These kind of
abuses really have to stop. We’re talking about a Constitutional right. It’s a uniform system, and being
lied to and kind of conned into this is wrong. Although this is not the case in this situation, folks should
know that when you go to the police voluntarily, for any reason, and not that this is a criminal
investigation. This wasn’t criminal for you. But it doesn’t matter. If you go to the police voluntarily, you’re
not in custody, and if you’re not in custody, you don’t have to be read your Miranda rights. So, often as
a tactic, police will create other false narratives, false reasons to have you come down to the station,
and that gives them a free hand to question you about something you may not even be aware of, and
question you without having to read you Miranda rights, even though it may, in fact be a criminal
investigation. Of course, this was not that. This is just abusing your Second Amendment rights as
opposed to a criminal investigation. But still, individuals should be aware that if you’re ever asked to
come down to the police because they want to talk to you about anything, you should say, hey, I’ll talk
to my lawyer, and I’ll have them call you. Don’t make any statements, because there is no Miranda
requirement in those situations, and that’s a common tactic used by police to subvert you being read
your rights. Okay. Thanks again. Go ahead, Teddy. Go ahead.
Teddy Nappen 12:37
This kind of reminds me of, I think it was either a case you dealt with, or another one. This is how
effective they are lying there. How they are able to lie to people. In the early days when fax machines,
when people didn’t know what they were. And so this guy is in interrogation, and one of the cops gets
the idea, and he brings it into the room, in the interrogation room, and he says, do you know what this
is?Page – 6 – of 18
Evan Nappen 13:05
Actually, he brings him to the to the machine.
Evan Nappen 13:08
Because there’s a big office type, uh, machine. And what they did was they, as you said, they told him it
was a lie detector machine. And what they had done is taken a piece of paper and wrote in big black
magic marker letters the word “lie” on the document on top of the machine. Now he didn’t know this.
They would ask him a question, and then they’d hit the print button. But he thought it was a lie detector.
It would spit out a piece of paper, and then they showed it to him say, “lie”. You just lied. The machine
knows. They keep asking questions, and every time they hit the button, it spit out the word “lie”. That’s
how they interrogated him and broke him on it. Yeah, yeah, that’s a good story. I remember.
Teddy Nappen 13:08
John 13:51
Pretty interesting.
Evan Nappen 13:52
I’m glad you reminded me about that.
John 13:54
Now, the one thing I will say really quick is that this guy, apparently, is a newer guy in that role.
Because with the previous guys, I never had a problem. They know me. When I apply for gun permits,
they know who I am. Everything, generally is smooth. But this guy, I just think he’s newer at the spot,
and I don’t know what he’s doing, but
Evan Nappen 14:16
Maybe he made up this form. He made it up, right? Maybe he made it up and is going to be the hot shot
making up a new form for doing this job. I don’t know how it came about, but it’s a good question. How
did this form come about, and why? Look, in order to get your carry, you had to get your CCARE. You
already had the training and your core competency with your firearm, and you were taught
John 14:48
That’s correct.
Evan Nappen 14:49
Justification, use of force, etc. So, all that’s already a done deal by state process in the uniform system.
So, those things. You don’t need to be suddenly given a quiz on your knowledge of deadly force or
asked other questions about anything that isn’t part of the statewide uniform licensing system that we
have. Our statewide system is bad enough, and these other things shouldn’t be happening. Okay.
John 15:25
Evan.Page – 7 – of 18
Evan Nappen 15:26
Go ahead.
John 15:26
Yeah, I’m sorry, one last thing.
Evan Nappen 15:28
Yeah, go right ahead. I’m happy to.
John 15:29
So, this is the other thing I’m curious then, as to, let’s say I bombed on the questions, right? I had no,
no clue of any of this stuff, and I bomb, right?
Evan Nappen 15:41
John 15:42
Well, you know what I mean, I’m wondering what the next steps would have been.
Evan Nappen 15:46
Well, they still could say, well, they could deny your license and say, given these answers to these
questions, they would use what I call the all inclusive miscellaneous weasel clause, which is the denial
part of 2C:58-3, which says public health, safety, welfare based on character and temperament, and
that broad bullshit reason to deny anybody about anything. It’s often the one used to have the
institutionalized racism take effect, because it’s so broad. That’s the one that they can then say, oh,
well, we think he’s a danger to public health, safety, whatever that means. Then we end up having to
fight it in court to get your license. And that’s what’s abused, because that’s more subjective. It’s not an
objective thing, like, are you a convicted felon or not? Either you are or you’re not. Simple, right? But
this one is broad and can be abused, and, in fact, is abused. So, that’s where their unauthorized form
outside of state law that they would then make this claim, and that’s how they’ll try to deny folks when
they want to try to deny them when they don’t have anything actual to deny individuals and oppress
their Second Amendment rights. That’s what goes on. Okay, man, thanks again, and.
John 17:14
Thank you.
Evan Nappen 17:14
Speaking of, thank you, man. Speaking of one of oppression, Teddy, why don’t you tell us about your
discovery in Press Checks? Your press checks?
Teddy Nappen 17:27
Oh, first, I want to clarify, as we’ve gotten a lot of questions. Apparently a lot of our listeners don’t know
what a Press Check is.Page – 8 – of 18
Evan Nappen 17:36
Whoa, what is a Press Check, Teddy? Do Press Checks cost anything?
Teddy Nappen 17:42
No, Press Checks are free.
Evan Nappen 17:44
And what is a Press Check?
Teddy Nappen 17:45
Well, if you ever want to check to make sure that your firearm is loaded, you look down, you slowly pull
the slide back and see if there is a round chambered and there you go. That’s a Press Check.
Evan Nappen 17:57
And not only that, you can also push the front of the slide, carefully, and that will push the slide back
slightly. You can look and see if there’s a round in the chamber. The idea of a Press Check is to
confirm that your gun is loaded so it’s ready to fire if need be, or confirm it’s unloaded. And of course,
you’re looking to confirm that it’s completely unloaded. You want to pull the slide all the way back, dump
the mag, look down the barrel, and make sure it’s completely unloaded. But that’s what Press Checks
are for. It’s a way to do a quick check to see if your gun is loaded. Now, Teddy, your segment on the
show is called Press Checks and that’s because you are checking the press. What have you
discovered in your press checking this week?
Teddy Nappen 18:44
Well, I think we’re all very much overloaded on the amount of victories we’ve been getting thanks to
President Trump with all the great, great policies that he has enacted to help save our country. He is
warp speeding, hitting the ground running.
Evan Nappen 19:02
Every day I’m getting, I’m getting, stuffed with W’s here.
Teddy Nappen 19:06
Evan Nappen 19:06
Win, win, win. It’s fantastic.
Teddy Nappen 19:08
Well, there’s one “w” that got overlooked because, you know, it’s just been a giant wave of goodness.
One was the Office of Gun Violence Prevention has been shut down.
(https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/bidens-gun-violence-office-disappears-from-white-house-website/)Page – 9 – of 18
Evan Nappen 19:22
Oh, the gun rights oppression office of the senile sock puppet.
Teddy Nappen 19:26
Yes, the Ministry of Disarmament, if you will. But it’s one of those that is very much an overlooked
aspect of how damning that office became, and what.
Evan Nappen 19:41
How did that come about? What is this? Maybe you should tell everyone.
Teddy Nappen 19:45
I’m going to roll back to former President Joe Biden, respect the office, he and his cohorts had passed
with the bipartisan. When I say bipartisan, I mean Liz Cheney and Mitch McConnell. The Bipartisan
Safer Community Act. It was a laundry list of anti-gun bits and pieces, one of which included the
formation of the (White House) Office of Gun Violence Prevention, and they named their leader, Vice
President Kamala Harris, to lead the Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention, as the Gun Czar.
Evan Nappen 20:28
But she did a lot of work there, as like she did in everything else, right? She was incredibly effective,
Teddy Nappen 20:35
Very effective. In actuality, the real leader was a woman named Stephanie Feldman, Biden’s aid or
geriatric nurse, if you will. Along with, and this was the more disgusting, they took two of the top anti-
gun group leaders, one being Communities Justice Action Fund, Greg Jackson, and EveryTown for
Gun Safety, you know, Bloomturds group run by Rob Wilcox, and named them unelected bureaucrats
running this office. And because of that, it gave them the pipeline to cause havoc on our rights under
the Biden administration. Just to give you an example from the insanity that they were pulling, going
down the list, one of the things is they were able to distribute over $200 million to different states to
fund the community violence intervention, which is just a nice way of saying that they laundered their
money to their anti-gun groups to get their anti-gun agendas passed in the States.
Teddy Nappen 20:58
And another bit, which you had brought up in the show prior. You remember when they were hitting all
the dealers with the ATF where, like, if you had,
Evan Nappen 21:56
Yeah, I’ve defended a number of dealers on that very thing, where they had zero tolerance. They gave
more tolerance to pharmacies and nuke plants than to a gun dealer. Making any type of minor
bureaucratic errorPage – 10 – of 18
Teddy Nappen 22:13
Correct. And one of the big leading pieces of the office, which they bragged about it, is that they helped
pass over 50 Executive Actions against gun violence, including their coordination with various federal
agencies like the ATF and telling them to have a zero tolerance policy on all FFLs. So, if you made one
clerical error, they would yank your license.
Evan Nappen 22:45
Yeah, Biden signed off on a number of Executive Orders, I’m sure, at their urging, and it created a lot of
problems. And that Bipartisan bill was a disaster, and it laid the groundwork for not only their zero
tolerance approach through this Office of Gun Rights Oppression, but also on the opposite side. They
removed the “for profit” for the definition of dealer. I mean the “livelihood”, “for livelihood” and only left
“for profit”. So, anybody who sold a gun for profit could be construed to be a dealer. They were
essentially trying to stop all sales by anybody, even just, you know, a sale to a friend or transfer to a
family member. Anything for profit. If in any way, you had a profit. That was it. And you didn’t even have
to complete the sale. Then they were requiring you to get an FFL. Requiring an FFL if you’re going to
have any gun moved for profit. So, on one hand, they’re requiring FFLs, and on the other hand, they’re
taking them away in a zero tolerance fashion. So, they had both those things running at the same time.
Teddy Nappen 24:14
What’s even more disgusting is their group, even their leader, Bragg saying, we stopped 800 rogue
dealers. In actuality, they just, you know, had a clerical error, and then yanked their license.
Evan Nappen 24:28
Right. Exactly.
Teddy Nappen 24:29
And it also, and this was the very disgusting part, is what they were helping the ATF, which, I mean,
look, they say they don’t keep the 4473s, but they were leading on building the billion records. You
know, they have their billion records that they keep of every transaction, and it was their way of
eventually setting up a national gun registry, which was the main goal with this office.
Evan Nappen 24:57
Right. I’m hopeful that President Trump will order that destroyed, and we may even see legislation
because they unlawfully recorded almost a billion gun records, in violation of federal law, by the way.
Teddy Nappen 25:14
Yeah, which is even worse. Because the office was communicating with other agencies, they were
talking with the Department of Treasury, who have access to all purchases. So, now you mix that in
with the registry and you could catalog every single purchase in the U.S. And you know the first step is
registration.Page – 11 – of 18
Evan Nappen 25:37
Now, you know, one of the other things Trump did in his Executive Orders was he signed an order
called “Defending W from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal
Government”. And what he’s mandated is that there’s only two sexes. Are you shocked about that,
Teddy? It’s male and female. Okay, that’s it. So, it has to be male or female in the Federal Government.
And any of the, any of the things that the federal government does, they define women, they define
men. And it is clear that there is nothing else other than male or female, okay?
Teddy Nappen 26:25
Well, I’ll give you a worse one.
Evan Nappen 26:26
Well, wait the impact of this, which is, you know, in terms of culture and everything we’ve been dealing
with on that issue. It has an impact that I don’t think has readily been talked about on firearms. Because
the 4473, the federal form that you fill out to purchase a firearm from a dealer, originally had male or
female on that form. Then after there was this cultural push by Biden to invent other gender identities
and this kind of thing, the spread of that went to various states where you could get a driver’s license
that said either male, female or non-binary. And the problem was, if you had a non-binary driver’s
license, you then could not buy a gun, because you had to have some type of government-issued photo
ID that had to identify your sex, and because it did not identify male or female, you couldn’t buy a gun.
So, they added non-binary to the form for those individuals, but guess what? Now individuals, when
they get rid of non-binary, which is part of this Executive Order that is only male or female, they will no
longer be able to buy a gun from a dealer. So, those individuals, if they want to exercise their Second
Amendment rights, are going to have to identify their biological sex and pick a sex, either be male or be
female, to purchase a gun, which is how it was before they added non-binary. But President Trump’s
order appears to state that that is no longer acceptable throughout the federal government.
Teddy Nappen 28:33
Yeah, it was actually kind of hilarious. There was an individual that there was this ploy that they were
trying to use where basically they would, “lose their ID”, and they would have to use their passport,
which the passport had the non-binary at the time. So, they tried to get the ID issued, and I think it was
in Florida where then DeSantis just issued, no, that just means your ID is invalid if you don’t have.
Evan Nappen 28:59
So, that took care of it. Huh?
Teddy Nappen 29:01
Exactly. It’s so stupid. And the last bit I want to get on for the office is, by the way, the money is still
allocated for the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Trump administration, but the office is just
gone. So, now I think we need to take that money and create a new office, and I think we know what
we’re going to call that one, the Office of Gun Rights Protection.
Evan Nappen 29:30
Yeah, I like that.Page – 12 – of 18
Teddy Nappen 29:32
Do the opposite. Where we start there.
Evan Nappen 29:35
And their mission is to fight gun rights oppression, anywhere and everywhere. That sounds good.
Teddy Nappen 29:41
Anyone who’s rights are being trampled on by anti-gun laws or any form of anti-gun groups that are
attacking our rights. Any of the gun, any gun shows or anybody, or anything that could basically push
for the pro-Second Amendment, across the nation. That should be the office.
Evan Nappen 30:05
Yeah, imagine a government agency that’s focused on protecting a Constitutional right. Wouldn’t that
be refreshing? That sounds good.
Evan Nappen 30:16
Well, let me tell you about our good friends at WeShoot. So, WeShoot is an indoor range in Lakewood,
New Jersey. It’s where I shoot, where Teddy shoots, and my family shoots. It’s a great indoor range.
And WeShoot has more than just range facilities. They also have some great gear and guns and all
kinds of cool stuff. They really are great for setting up in their pro shop and getting outfitted. And this
week, they’re offering some pretty cool things that I want to mention to you. One is the HK SP five,
which is an “other”, and that’s the civilian version of the iconic MP5. And yes, WeShoot has them.
They’re also offering the Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro, which is a compact yet powerful pistol. The
Hellcat Pro is kind of cool. Because with the Hellcat, if you look at the end of the Hellcat, right below the
barrel, where the guide rod goes out or forms that button makes it so that you cannot actually push the
slide forward if you’re pushing against something. Sometimes, with semi-auto pistols, if you’re pushing
the front, the slide will go completely back or disengage, and the gun won’t fire. But here, if you got into
a CQB situation, Hellcats will still actually fire. So, Hellcats are kind of interesting guns in that regard.
Evan Nappen 31:49
They’re also offering a Sig Sauer MCX, which is a modular and innovative rifle platform, and that has a
lot of versatility, and it’s a high performance rifle. And they’re also offering Radian Barrels. Radian
Barrels are precision crafted barrels designed for exceptional accuracy and durability. So, WeShoot has
a lot of this and so much more. Get over to WeShoot and check it out. Go there to shoot and to have
fun. Take advantage of this great resource. You can get your training there. You can get your CCARE
for getting your carry, all kinds of great training, and they have zero extra fees on 1000s of items. , if
you haven’t been to WeShoot, get over to WeShoot. Check out their website at weshootusa.com.
Evan Nappen 32:46
I also want to mention our good friends at the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs
(anjrpc.org).They are the powerhouse gun rights defenders in New Jersey. They’re the NRA affiliate,
and they are on guard as we speak. They have a paid full time lobbyist in Trenton, watching for the
shenanigans going on down there. We’re going to be talking about new threats, new gun rightsPage – 13 – of 18
oppression that they’re going to be pushing in Trenton. They are the folks that are in the federal courts,
as we speak, challenging the standard capacity magazine ban, the modern sporting rifle ban and the
Carry Killer bill, just to name a few. They have made so big a difference in the state, working together.
I’ve worked with them, and we’ve been able to get the Attorney General to effectuate changes, not the
least of which was the CCARE change that made it so that the core competency was being tested
instead of the former John Wick training requirements. We were able to get the No Serial Number gun
issue so that millions of guns that were banned under that are no longer banned. Make sure you belong
to the state Association, anjrpc.org. Join today. You’ll get updates, a great newsletter, email alerts, and
you’ll know that you’re part of the solution, not the problem.
Evan Nappen 34:20
If you want to know the gun laws in New Jersey, not only do you listen to Gun Lawyer, but make sure
you get my book. I bet most of you have my book. And for those of you don’t, well, you’re missing out.
Because you can get my book, New Jersey Gun Law, the Bible of New Jersey gun law, the book that
everybody uses. The State Police Firearms Unit uses it. Judges, lawyers and thousands of gun owners
use it – for a good reason. It’s the only book out there that actually even attempts to explain New Jersey
gun law. I’ve dedicated my life to that subject and this book. It is a labor of love. It’s over 500 pages in a
question and answer format so that you can actually almost understand New Jersey gun law. At least
you’ll be able to understand it the best that is out there to try to achieve that incredible task. And not
only will that book aid you and assist you so you can remain law abiding, but when you get the book
scan the QR code right on the front, and you can get in for free, 100% free, to my private subscriber
base. When you do that, you’re going to get email alerts of any updates, and you get free access to the
archives. And right now on that archive is the Comprehensive 2025 Update to the book. So, if you have
the book, you can get rid of all your other updates. Download the one comprehensive update, and your
book is now current. I did it chapter by chapter, any of the things that changed, and there’s even
additional chapters, including a standalone chapter on “sensitive places”, where you can and cannot
carry. So, pick up a copy today of New Jersey Gun Law. Just go to EvanNappen.com,
EvanNappen.com, and you’ll see the big orange book right there. Click it, order your book, you’ll have it
in a matter of days.
Evan Nappen 36:23
Okay, so I have something here that just made me laugh and think about just how clueless the United
Kingdom must be, because you know what goes over the on over there is very disturbing. They are
anti-gun, they’re anti-knife, they’re anti-self defense, they’re anti-rights, privacy, you name it. That place
is essentially like a police state. And you know, they make believe they’re free, but geeze, the stuff that
they do is unbelievable. I’m sure you’re aware of their lack of privacy. I mean, they passed the so-called
knife act where they can just search you at will. I mean, we’re talking about what is based authoritarian.
Teddy Nappen 37:20
They busted a woman for a thought crime.
Evan Nappen 37:23
Right. A thought crime. Praying, praying privately in front of a church, privately standing there, praying.
Oh, no, can’t think that. And this is the arrest, okay, for, right?Page – 14 – of 18
Teddy Nappen 37:34
They arrested a man for doing kung fu fighting in a karaoke bar. You know.
Evan Nappen 37:41
Was he fighting anybody?
Teddy Nappen 37:42
Oh, no, no, you know, it was just the song, Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting.
Evan Nappen 37:47
He was just singing the song, right?
Teddy Nappen 37:48
Yeah, and then yeah, and then just Yeah, and then, so, just busted him.
Evan Nappen 37:53
Right. So, the UK, you see headline after headline about their police state actions and their
authoritarian ways, and it’s just so reprehensible. And so let me just tell you, this just blew me away.
And I think it’s just hilarious. The Royal Mint, okay, this is the mint in the UK that mints their coins. The
way we have the U.S. Mint. They have the Royal Mint. Well, folks, the Royal Mint has come out with a
commemorative coin, no joke, and the commemorative coin that you can buy today, and let me tell you,
I ordered them. I had to have them. I have to have this. Just have to. They came out with a
commemorative coin honoring none other than George Orwell. Yes, I’m not kidding, big brother,
George Orwell. And this commemorative coin honoring George Orwell is a giant eye. A giant eye with
like a lens over it that watches you at all times. You got to see this coin.
Teddy Nappen 39:10
Big Brother’s always watching you. Big Brother.
Evan Nappen 39:12
Big Brother’s always watching you. And in the UK, they’re always watching you. They’re honoring him
with an official commemorative coin from the UK. And they even say online, they say an Orwellian
design. Yes, an Orwellian design by an Orwellian government. I guess, right? They didn’t mention the
government part. I’m mentioning that.
Teddy Nappen 39:34
I’m surprised.
Evan Nappen 39:34
It says, go ahead.Page – 15 – of 18
Teddy Nappen 39:37
There you go.
Evan Nappen 39:38
It says the coin is mass. Here’s what they say. The coin is masterfully created. Reverse design, created
by artist Henry Gray, incorporates elements of totalitarianism. That’s what that’s the. I’m so glad they
made a commemorative coin honoring totalitarianism, which is a central theme in Orwell’s writing. And
then they said that Orwell is a hugely talented writer and visionary thinker, and he’s on the UK coin for
the first time. Wonderful. And you’ve got to see this coin. If you order the Silver Proof edition, it comes
in this acrylic block that has like this Alfred Hitchcock high anxiety thing spinning around it in a design,
with the eye staring at you in this concrete block. And so, it says that it could be proudly observed, for
all to observe. And that’s why it’s constantly observing you. I’ve got to get one of these for my desk. I
think it’s the ultimate statement about the UK. I’m sure you probably want one, too. And if you do, by all
means, go to the Royal Mint and look at the George Orwell 2025 UK two pound Silver Proof coin. They
also have an uncirculated version, and then they have what they call the Piedfort proof coin, which I
guess, is a super deluxe, totalitarian honoring coin that you can check out and order to your delight.
Teddy Nappen 41:15
You know how our money has “In God We Trust”?
Evan Nappen 41:18
Teddy Nappen 41:19
I want them. I want them to have, there will be no love except love of Big Brother.
Evan Nappen 41:26
That’s basically, I guess, what this coin says, without saying. It’s really something, Teddy. Amazing.
Now I have some other little tidbits that I found entertaining, and this is something I think you may like
to know, in case you were confused at all about this. Apparently, the U.S. Court in the Colorado
Supreme Court, the Colorado Supreme Court, found and determined that elephants are not people.
(https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c15znkk12xjo) You know, America has been having a lot of trouble
understanding gender, but also understanding animals and what they are and are not. And some
people, of course, identify as animals, but animals cannot and are not people, as far as the Colorado
court was concerned. And what happened here is they rejected an attempt to free five elephants from a
Colorado Zoo after the court ruled that they’re not people. It was apparently an animal rights group that
argued the following elephants, Missy, Kimba, Lucky, LouLou and Jambo were imprisoned at the zoo,
and they filed to release the elephants from their prison. They tried to argue that elephants have the
same liberty rights as people, and that elephants are people, too. But guess what? Even in Colorado,
they ruled six to zero that habeas corpus only applies to persons and not non-human animals. So, there
you go. Every once in a while, even a Colorado court can get it right. I guess it kind of.Page – 16 – of 18
Teddy Nappen 43:24
That kind of reminds me about that one case where the guy tried to sue the seller of the house because
he didn’t tell him it was haunted.
Evan Nappen 43:33
Oh, yes, and that led to the creation of ghost guns. No, just kidding. I know. All right. So I have got
some great letters, some great Ask Evan letters. And I always love getting letters from my devoted
listeners. And this is from John. And John says I have a question that will probably be useful to many
that carry here in NJ. I received my permit to carry, and I already submitted my list of guns that I’d
consider carrying, but I just got another gun. How can I add this to my list? Or is it eligible? I have not
found any documentation where I can update my list. Can you guide me? Thanks. Teddy, I bet you
know the answer to that question. What should they do?
Teddy Nappen 44:14
You cut out like the last you cut out the last second when I was trying to hear you,
Evan Nappen 44:19
I said, do you know what should you do if you want to add a gun that you want to carry? What do you
do? I bet you know.
Teddy Nappen 44:28
Well, yeah. There is the New Jersey State Police form that you will submit.
Evan Nappen 44:33
Correct. The State Police form is right on their website. (https://www.nj.gov/njsp/firearms/forms.shtml)
You print it. I think it’s what S.P.182a (PTC Additional Handguns Intended to be Carried) under the
Permit to Carry section. I think is the number. It’s right there. You just simply add your new guns to it
and send it in. There’s no approval. There’s no anything. You just list the gun on there that you now
wish to carry, and you can. Just make sure it’s a gun that’s legal in New Jersey. But as long as it’s a
legal gun that you own. I tell you not to. You have to put the serial number and all that down. You know,
if you have guns that you legally have that aren’t papered, I wouldn’t de facto create a registration of
any of those guns by doing this. But if you have guns that you lawfully acquired with New Jersey paper
and you want to put them on your carry list, that’s all you’ve got to do. Do that form, and you’ll be all set.
Thank you, John. That is a question that does frequently come up, and I wanted to mention it.
Evan Nappen 44:34
This one’s from Rob. Rob says regarding PTC in a briefcase. Thanks for the informative podcast every
week. You’re welcome. My question is regarding carrying a firearm in a briefcase or backpack. I have a
PTC and understand a firearm must be holstered and on your person. Is it acceptable have a firearm
holstered and in a backpack or briefcase? If acceptable, what about when driving? Could a person
have a backpack or briefcase on the seat next to them, within their reach?Page – 17 – of 18
Evan Nappen 45:39
Okay, so if you’re going to put it in a briefcase or backpack, normally, then it should be unloaded, and
then you’re transporting it and it’s in that closed case, etc. But if you want to have it loaded, it has to be,
for sure, in a holster, but then it has to be carried on your person. So, if it’s in a holster, then the
briefcase has to be carried on your person, or the backpack has to be carried on your person. So, if you
have, like a fanny pack, even that’s on your person, and you have it in a holster in the fanny pack, and
the same with the women’s purse, if it’s in a holster in the purse, the purse is on the person, that is what
you must do. Now, if it’s within your dominion and control directly, you know this is where it gets a little
more gray. I don’t want to see you become the test case. So, your best bet is to keep it on your person,
right next to you on your person. If it has a shoulder strap, keep that over your shoulder, if you can. This
is what the law is going to require until we get further guidance. So, yes, a holster is critical, and then
on your person. So, if the briefcase and/or backpack is on your person, too, then the gun is on your
person and it’s in a holster because the backpack out of the case or the fanny pack is on your person.
Thanks for the question.
Evan Nappen 47:29
This is from William. William says, good morning. I listen to your podcast every Sunday. But could you
clarify something for me, as I don’t want to be a GOFU. You sure don’t want to be a GOFU. I’ve been
reading that a lot of stores have a policy against concealed carry. And then he said, Costco, Whole
Foods, Lowes, Home Depot, but when I go to these stores near me, I don’t see any signs that say I
cannot carry. Is it okay for me to carry if they don’t have a sign posted?
Evan Nappen 47:58
Well, let me put it this way, the sensitive place law in New Jersey distinguishes between private
property open to the public and private property not open to the public. So, these stores are open to the
public. They are not a sensitive place. So, it is not prohibited for you to carry in those places. However,
if a place has a sign that says they don’t want firearms, then it’s the same as if they had a sign that says
they don’t want any dogs, or they don’t want bare feet. If you violate that sign, then you’re trespassing,
arguably, and they can tell you to leave, etc. But it’s not a sensitive place because they post a sign
saying they don’t want guns in there. Not if they’re open to the public. But they still, as a property
owner, can decide what they want or don’t want in their property. But that’s not a gun law violation. It
becomes a gun law violation when it’s private property, not open to the public. Then they need to have
a sign that says that carry is welcome, or you need to get permission of the property owner if it is
private property not open to the public. But if you go up to Home Depot and there’s no sign saying
anything about no guns, they’re not making you a trespasser because there’s no sign saying no guns
that’s open to the public. You can go in and their “policy”. Well, I don’t know what their policy is. I don’t
even know if you’re correct, and you say that’s their policy. Who cares? Policy schmalacy. The bottom
line is, there’s nothing prohibiting you under the gun law, and if there’s no sign preventing it, then you’re
good to go. You can carry in that regard. That’s how sensitive place works, and that’s the distinction
between private property open to the public and not.
Evan Nappen 49:54
This is from Kevin, and I’m going to roll this into our GOFU, which is, of course, our Gun Owner Fuck
Up, because you don’t want to commit a GOFU. A GOFU is an expensive lesson that is often learnedPage – 18 – of 18
by the otherwise law-abiding gun owner, in which they may, in fact, go to prison, lose their freedom,
lose their rights, lose their license, all kinds of bad stuff. And we get to learn that lesson for free. Now
this isn’t something where a GOFU was committed, but it has the potential. So, let’s look at this
question regarding making airsoft gun parts. Thanks for taking my question, Mr. Nappen. My sons, 16
and 17 years old, are involved in the sport of air soft. For Christmas, one of them received a 3D printer
and may have printed a butterfly knife and maybe a forward grip for an air soft rifle. I didn’t think there
was a problem with printing a plastic toy knife. I told him to stop printing anything else that may be gun
related. The air soft guns are replicas of real guns. Can he get himself into trouble? Thanks for all that
you do. And then it says, PS, he has purchased a block of redwood that he wants to make a forearm for
his air soft.
Evan Nappen 51:07
Okay, so here’s the deal. Printing of gun parts is prohibited, 3d printing of gun parts. The problem is, if
you’re 3D printing soft air parts, they’re often interchangeable readily with guns. So, you’re going to
embark in a very treacherous area that could very easily turn into a GOFU. So, I do not recommend 3D
printing any gun parts. Even though soft airs themselves are not viewed as firearms in New Jersey, it
doesn’t matter when it comes to gun parts that they can then have a prosecutor’s expert demonstrate
that the forearm also attaches to, let’s say, an AR-15, etc. So, this is where it can get very dangerous
and very problematic.
Evan Nappen 51:57
Now, 3D printing a toy knife. Well, that is just a toy, and it’s a knife. There’s nothing about 3D printing
toys, and toys are toys. A butterfly knife, if it’s an actual knife, that may they try to regulate that under
they’ll sometimes try to claim it’s a gravity knife, but this isn’t a real knife that he’s making. You said it’s
a toy. So, a 3D printed toy is not prohibited. But, if it’s not a toy, then you’re essentially manufacturing
what they could argue is a gravity knife, and that could be a crime for you in New Jersey. Whether they
would aggressively look to enforce it, I don’t know, but it is something that could fall under that
definition. Now, taking wood and making a forearm, there is some exemption in the gun making
language of New Jersey for gun smithing and stuff with a set aside wood, parts wood, if it’s strictly for
the forearm, for the airsoft, if it’s simply a carved wood, you’re not 3d printing it, that probably has a low
chance of being a problem in that regard. But you know how crazy New Jersey is. You don’t want to be
a GOFU, so please be careful.
Evan Nappen 53:21
This is Evan Nappen, reminding you that gun laws don’t protect honest citizens from criminals. They
protect criminals from honest citizens.
Gun Lawyer is a CounterThink Media production. The music used in this broadcast was managed by
Cosmo Music, New York, New York. Reach us by emailing [email protected]. The information and
opinions in this broadcast do not constitute legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your state.
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About The Host

Evan Nappen, Esq.
Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, and weapons history and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades — it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry and national media outlets.
Regularly called on by radio, television and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news Evan has appeared countless shows including Fox News – Judge Jeanine, CNN – Lou Dobbs, Court TV, Real Talk on WOR, It’s Your Call with Lyn Doyle, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk, and Cam & Company/NRA News.
As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists.
He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.
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