Mar 28 2024 22 mins 9
Welcome to Hashtag Trending, the Weekend Edition. I’m your host, Jim Love. On this long weekend, I thought we’d try something a little different.
I find that when I break my daily routine and get some time away, I can take a moment and reflect – see the bigger picture – and use that perspective to look forward. It’s chance to think strategically.
So, this weekend, that’s what I want to do with the issue that is dominating technology and business – Artificial Intelligence.
What I’ve produced is more of a documentary than an interview show and I’ve done it in two parts. The first part is a history of AI, taking it from earliest times and up to the launch of ChatGPT. It’s part historical, part philosophical. But I also think it lays a foundation for understanding our pursuit of AI and our fascination with it.
The second part or episode, is more in the current day and down to the practicalities of business and technology.
I’ll look at why what is called generative AI is transformational. Those of you who are fans of the show will know that I’m enthusiastic about technology, and I love it, but I’ve been in this game for 40 years – I try not to be caught up in the hype about any product, service or development.
So I’m not going to predict the future, all I’m going to do is talk about this like a scatter diagram. You put a lot of points on a two by two matrix and sometimes they’re all over the place. Other times, they start to show a pattern, they point in a direction.
Generative AI is like that, its seems like its all over the map, but when you connect the dots and draw the line, it leads you to what seems to me to be inevitable – one of the biggest transformations how we work and how we live in human history.
And not only is the change inevitable, but the pace of that change and the impact of that change, may be greater than we could possibly imagine.
So in our second episode, were going to take stock of what has happened the less than two years since ChatGPT was launched. We’ll take stock of where we are now and we’ll look at what will happen over the coming months with a focus on what that will do, primarily to our businesses.
It will still take time for changes to work their way into our lives, but it will be less than you might think. And change – our ability to adapt, takes time as well.
Again, no hype – just drawing a line to the inevitable.
Here’s our first episode:
The road to Artificial Intelligence