A major if not the most important key to victory in World War 2 Europe was the Allied Bombing Campaign against Nazi Germany. World War 2 wasn't just a collections of campaigns fought in different theaters but also campaigns specific to the land, sea, and air. After WW1 introduced the concept of air power, the end of the conflict saw every country invest into this new frontier of war to varying degrees. Pre-WW2 saw most major powers developing bomber aircraft to extend their projection of power and hit the enemy far behind their lines, and fighter aircraft to shoot down the bombers. WW2 in Europe saw the first occurrences of terror and strategic bombing. Hundreds of planes dropping thousands of tons of explosive on cities in a single day attempting to destroy enemy resources and moral. To be a bomber pilot or crew you had to have smarts, skills, and frankly balls because you had a 50% chance of being killed when this was said and done. These men (some in their teens) in their Boeing Flying Fortresses and Avro Lancasters kept the allies in the war until it could be won on the ground. Almost a full 5 years before the allies set foot in France, the bomber aircrews of the British Bomber Command and soon after the U.S. Air Force flew missions over France and Germany to keep the pressure on the Nazis and prevent them from solidifying their hold. Flying miles above occupied Europe without fighters to protect them, the bomber crews of the allies were constantly under attack by enemy explosive shells (Flak) from the ground or the deadly Germany fighters strafing them at double their speed. Okay I'm rambling, sorry I love this shit and I hope you will too, hit play already.
Prof Chris.