In this episode, Sven and Briar talk all about the microbiome: how it effects us, how we can help it and what that means for our health. This is the most complete "masterclass" for anyone who doesn't know what bacteria can do for us and for the physiologist who wants to hear a different take on a very misunderstood topic. The point of learning about this will only make us healthier and happier and it is something everyone should embrace!
Human Atavist Podcast RSSShownotes:
Plant Intelligence by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Song: Tide of Loss
Artist: Atomfest
Sven Craun is an ancestral nutrition and fitness expert with a focus on rewilding through traditional and wild foods along with natural and functional movement. He is the creator of the Human Atavist Blog, the Human Atavist Podcast, podcaster at Your Mastermind Podcast and the founder and CEO of Vitality Health Products. Check him out on Google +.
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