Jan 06 2025 96 mins 3
Join HOWL's Jan 28th "Wolf Lessons Learned" Townhall featuring Justin Webb (Foundation for Wildlife Mgmt) and Jess Johnson (Wyoming Wildlife Federation).... MEMBERS ONLY so join today!
Wolves are here, and they're not going away. Planting flags of extreme support, or extreme opposition, only guarantees a long fight, unresolved conflict, and more work for lawyers. So... how do we bring stakeholders together to build effective, sustainable and adaptive mechanisms which can drive success for everyone?? We need to start talking, working together, finding shared goals and building towards those objectives.
Is California on the way to an ecosystem crisis, with more wolves than native and wild habitat can support?
Does the 9-10 year old Wolf Mgmt Plan need an update, before we are in crisis mode?
Listen in to this first of several discussions about the complex and too-often, too-emotional topic of wolves. John Marchwick (California Wolf Watch) and I have a productive discussion, minus the hyperbole and hysterics.
California Wolf Watch - Facebook
CDFW / California Dept of Fish & Wildlife - Wolf Mgmt.
#California #wolves #wolf #whaleback #hunting #wildlife #conservation #endangeredspeciesact #wolfrecovery #wildlifemanagement #predator #predatormanagement #wildlifeconservation #elk #muledeer #howlforwildlife