Episode 303: The Serpent Under

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Jan 15 2025 59 mins   2
“the rapidity and noiselessness of a serpent” [STUD] Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Bonnie MacBird are back! In the sixth book in her series, Bonnie once again finds firm footing in London as Sherlock Holmes investigates a strange mystery involving a disfigured body, Windsor Castle, and some rather unpleasant reptilian encounters.We talk with Bonnie about the creative process, including the expert advice she received from two knights, her extensive research, and — wait for it — smoke enemas. No, we're not joking. Discover why The Times called this "a treat for all Sherlockians."We've moved the Sherlockian News to an exclusive bonus track for supporters (watch for that to drop), and added a new segment: "The Learned Societies," all about activities going on in in Sherlockian groups.Of course, Madeline Quiñones is back with another installment of "A Chance of Listening," her review of Sherlockian podcasts. And wind up the year with another Canonical Couplet quiz for you to test your Sherlockian knowledge. The winner, chosen at random from all correct answers, will receive something from the IHOSE vaults. Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by January 14, 2025 at 11:59 a.m. EST. All listeners are eligible to play.If you become a supporter of the show, not only will you help to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and transcription services, but we have thank-you gifts at certain tiers and ad-free versions of the episodes for all patrons.
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