Episode 305: That Ghastly Face

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Feb 15 2025 61 mins   2
“a wistful look on his wrinkled face” [BLAN]
The first Sherlock Holmes adventure authored by Sherlock Holmes was “The Blanched Soldier.” It tells the tale of a family’s attempt to protect their son, a friend’s dedication to determining the truth, and Holmes’s actions to explain everything.Ira Matetsky, BSI ("The Final Problem") edited this volume and in the process, assembled a group of Sherlockians who have unique talents to apply to the analysis of the story and the manuscript, which was generously made available from the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library.This latest volume in the BSI Manuscript Series offers delights for the eyes as well as the mind, as the digital scan of the original manuscript as well as full color illustrations by Howard Elcock bring the volume to life.Ira tells us a great deal about the book – and listeners will also be treated to stories about a key player from one of the contributors.We'll cover the latest goings-on in Sherlockian societies in "The Learned Societies" segment, Madeline Quiñones reports on a long-running Sherlock Holmes podcast in "A Chance of Listening," and the Canonical Couplet quiz tests your knowledge with a reward of a copy of That Ghastly Face for one lucky winner. Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by February 27, 2025 at 11:59 a.m. EST. All listeners are eligible to play.And just for supporters of the show, we have a collection of Howard Elcock's illustrations for your visual delight (Patreon | Substack).
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