Join Anne & Kelli for their 235th NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast. They are podcasting this final episode of 2024 from home! They wish everyone happy holidays and hope that you are all surrounded by people that you love, whether that be family or a family of friends.
Before getting to their holidays, they first talk about losing their friend Gavin Creel and the amazing memorial that was held in his honor. It was truly a beautiful way to remember a man that so many people loved so much.
Next, they discuss the shooting of the United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson and the complicated reaction that people are having about the whole thing, including the conversation about healthcare and insurance in this country and the reform that is so badly needed.
Hear about Anne’s big holiday concert this year which was slightly complicated by her knee injury, but it was a huge success and so much fun. Plus, city nights out that included dinner with friends that came into town for Anne’s show, a piano bar night to celebrate Will’s birthday and a dinner at The Tin Building, seeing friends Natalie Joy Johnson and Brian Nash perform at a new venue called The So and So and dinner with friends Bradley and Matthew at their place. Kelli talks about having a bad reaction to retinol and Anne gives you all the inside scoop on her first shingles shot and the delayed reaction and side effects. Also hear all about their new apartment!
After the break, they chat about holiday traditions. Christmas cookies, hosting their annual friends and family party, having their family Christmas Eve on Dec 23rd, Kelli making gumbo on the 24th and taking Anne’s Mom to the city for holiday lights and dinner on the 25th. They always see Sandra Bernhard show at Joe’s Pub and go to dinner at Indochine with lots of friends. This year, Kelli’s brother Charles and sister-in-law Kath are coming for New Year’s Eve. They are excited to have some fun dinners and enjoy the last NYE in their Jersey City apartment.
Finally, they talk about what comes next for them. Their first trip of the year is a Celebrity cruise mid-January that Anne is performing on and then it’s their BIG move! Right after the move, Anne has a concert in Ft Lauderdale at Sunshine Cathedral on Feb 1st. You can find all of Anne’s tour dates and info at
If you want to join them on a gig trip, email Kelli at [email protected] For more info on Kelli’s trips go to
As always you can stream on the DNR Studios app or you can listen anywhere you get your podcasts for free! Follow them on socials here:
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FB: ilovemywife theRealAnneSteele KelliGreggTravel