Feb 28 2025 29 mins 3
In EMS, where the stress is high and space is tight, conflict is bound to happen. Whether it’s a personality clash with your partner, frustration over unclear responsibilities or a disagreement with leadership, knowing how to navigate workplace tension is a crucial skill.
In this episode of the Inside EMS podcast, hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson break down conflict resolution strategies. Whether you’re dealing with an overbearing supervisor, a partner who won’t pull their weight or just the everyday stress of the job, this episode will arm you with the tools to handle conflict effectively.
Memorable quotes:
“My way of dealing with these conflicts is, I try to remind myself that they're not so different from me. They want the same things in life. They just differ in how they want to get there.” — Kelly Grayson
“We hear all the time that perception is reality, but what does that really mean? It means, if somebody thinks that you've slighted them, you've slighted them.” — Chris Cebollero
“Regardless of how good you are at practicing the art and science of leadership, conflict always happens, right?” — Chris Cebollero
Additional resources:
Toxic partners: The damage they do in EMS
EMT partners: ‘The people that really make it happen’ on calls
The 3-part EMS assessment: Your patient, your partner and yourself
How to tell if your EMS partner is a jerk
When crew dynamics disrupt patient care
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