Welcome back!
I know it’s a while since I put out a show. Being the only active one around Insomnia Radio makes it harder to keep going. I did put an extra track in this week and we’re all over the place for Genre’s. I’m spending the majority of my time doing live streams over on Twitch. And while I don’t make a lot of cash there I do make some. And it’s something to put on my resume as I job hunt. I’m also going to be moving everything over to Ko-Fi from Patreon. So if you get the show early on Patreon as a $10 perk, this may be the last show where you get to enjoy that.
Thank you listeners for taking the time to listen to my show. Thank you, Bands, Musicians, and promoters for sending me music. I thought as things around here are about to change again, I should update this (and partially to see who stops by the page). So my day job actually ending up ending in August 2022. I hit affiliate on Twitch, and now I’m trying to make a full time gig of playing games over there and keep having fun here with the postcast. If you watch twitch, please consider heading over to may page Twitch and drop me a follow. As I don’t make any money from this podcast and what comes in from Patreon goes right back into the show to cover bills (internet, electricity).