Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) | Essential Sci-Fi Movies

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May 29 2024 68 mins   1

This week, we cover STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI on Essential Sci-Fi Movies. Mike welcomes Kenny Madison and Aspen Webster from the Trek Wars podcast.

The conversation covers the bold narrative choices of TLJ that challenge traditional storytelling in the Star Wars universe. We analyze the departure from traditional tropes, the democratization of the Force, and the evolution of iconic characters. Be nice.


0:00 Intergalactic Welcome

1:06 Remembering the Ewoks

2:01 The Last Jedi Analysis

6:40 Emotional Impact

8:48 Facing Failure

11:56 Toxic Fandom

16:58 X-Men 97 Comparison

19:47 Luke Skywalker's Coolness

22:41 Emotional Experience

24:52 Embracing the Hero's Journey

26:41 Power of Community

33:09 Democratizing the Force

37:14 Rediscovering Iconography

46:17 Star Wars Fatigue and Hope for Change

1:00:55 Questioning the Purpose of New Films

1:04:56 Enter the Clone Wars and TNG

1:07:42 Outro

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