Overcoming Disability, the Benefits of Distractions, and the Ramifications of a Character's Actions - Playwright's Spotlight with Peter Anthony Fields

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Feb 18 2025 49 mins   1

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This is a very important episode shining light onto a subject a lot of us don't realize our fellow creatives are struggling with and how it may affect their craft - disabilities. Peter Anthony Fields sat in the Playwright's Spotlight and shared his experience fighting Parkinson's and how his diagnosis changes his creative pursuit. We discuss not only the physical afflictions of the disease but also the mental symptoms, his transition from filmmaker to playwright, advice for other creatives whom might be trying to overcome a disease or disability and the tools to help them cope but, also, the gifts having a disability may offer. We talk about self publishing and promotion, facets of playwriting playwright's shouldn't burden themselves with, how minute direction can change a piece, and the ramifications of a character's action. It was certainly an insightful interview that I hope you take something away from to encourage other artists who might be holding themselves back from the creativity brewing inside.

Peter Anthony Fields has written numerous stage plays that have been read or performed in Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, Missouri, and London, U.K. The self-published edition of his full-length stage play, That Guy, was awarded the top prize in the Performing Arts category of the 2020 Best Book Awards, sponsored by American Book Fest. The Invited, a whodunit mystery, was self-published in September of 2022 and is a 2024 Red Ribbon Award winner from The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. His 10 minute play, See, Invisible, was performed at the Columbus Black Theatre Festival in Columbus, Ohio also in 2022. His plays, About Michael, Monster, and The Parking Lot, are published and licensed by Lazy Bee Scripts. He has a BA in Theatre Studies from Kent State University and is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

To watch the video format of this episode, visit - https://youtu.be/Ds5QWyPxf44

Links to resources mentioned in this episode -

Playwright's Corner - https://www.youtube.com/@PeterFields18

Lazy Bee Scripts - https://www.lazybeescripts.co.uk

The Wishing Shelf Book Awards - https://www.thewsa.co.uk

Amazon Self Publishing - https://kdp.amazon.com

Website and Socials for Peter Anthony Fields -


Peter Anthony Fields' Amazon Page - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Peter-Anthony-Fields/author/B07SHJG5SG?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-anthony-fields-3a188a182/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PeterFields007 IG - @peteranthonyfields

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