Orthodox Christian Basics - Rome, Ecumenism, Theophanies, Idols - FAQs - Jay Dyer

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Aug 12 2018 38 mins   69
Click Subscribe! My Site: https://jaysanalysis.com My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer My Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/ My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decoded A reader / listener sent me a list of basic questions for those new to or enquiring about Orthodox theology. I am not any official theologian or spokesperson, but I have seen enough over the last decade to identify frauds. In this video we discuss ecumenism, liberalism, Roman Catholic teaching and church - state relations. For a longer conversion story see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKNAR43ebPo Metropolitan Piraeus' Letter to Francis: http://orthodoxinfo.com/ecumenism/epistle-to-pope-francis.pdf