May 03 2024 51 mins 4
In this episode I review the major steps in the Vest Protocol for Medical Intuition I have developed for teaching the modality. I have been teaching medical intuition for many years and have received good feedback from both clients and students on the efficacy of the Vest Protocol. I go over my multi-step method that includes: 1) Setting up Sacred space 2) Self Inventories 3) MRI scanning 4) System scanning 5) Zoom in scanning 6) Clairaudient clarification 7) Telepathy with organs 8) Aura-Wrapping 9) Emotional Scanning and 10) Spiritual scanning/Akashic Records.
I also discuss some of my experiences with developing this method and share some of my pedagogical views about and precognitive visions of the field.
I welcome your comments and feedback.
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