Aug 29 2022 42 mins 29
For the next month, Jung in the World is presenting a weekly series on Marion Woodman, Canadian mythopoetic author, poet, Jungian Analyst, and women’s movement figure. In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Dr. David Clark, Professor in the Department of English and Cultural Studies and Associate Member of the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University, and long-time friend of Marion Woodman. In this interview he shares rare insights into Woodman’s approach to life and work.For this series, we will be sharing the videos of the interviews on YouTube: David Clark Interview VideoMarion Woodman Book List If you’re interested in Marion Woodman, you may like Soul in Exile, available in our store.Dr. David Clark teaches courses in critical theory, critical animal studies, Romantic literature, and the history of HIV/AIDS activism. He is a recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision and the McMaster Students Union Teaching Award for Humanities. He was George Whalley Visiting Professor in Romanticism at Queen’s University in 2012 and Lansdowne Visiting Scholar at the University of Victoria in 2013. He has also twice been Visiting Professor at the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism at Western University. With Dr. Henry Giroux, he was for many years co-editor of the Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies.Dr. Clark began his career as a scholar of the poetry and engravings of the radical British visionary, William Blake, but subsequently turned towards contemporary critical theory, on the one hand, and late eighteenth-century philosophy (especially Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schelling), on the other. Dr. Clark has published research on a wide range of subjects, from HIV/AIDS to the surgical separation of conjoined twins to queer theory, and from photographing atrocities to the question of addiction in philosophy to what it means to fall under the gaze of the non-human animal. He also contributes to the online public affairs journal, Truthout, including two interviews conducted by the Public Intellectuals Project: “What does it mean to welcome Omar Khadr? University students and the lesson of hospitality” and “The Canadian university and the war against Omar Khadr.” He is also founder of The Hospitality Project: Five Hundred Letters of Welcome to Omar Khadr.Three research projects currently preoccupy Dr. Clark: Immanuel Kant and the role of the public intellectual during wartime; the nature of ethical obligations towards animals–human, non-human, and everything in between; and representations of the desecration of corpses of combatants during the Napoleonic Wars.Patricia Martin, MFA, is the host of Jung in the World. A noted cultural analyst, she applies Jungian theory to her work as a researcher and writer. Author of three books, her work has been featured in the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, and USA Today.