Jun 08 2023 28 mins 12
JKS 51 Four Friends & a Funeral
Welcome back faithful listeners!
Today we chat about the death of a dear non-monogamous friend.
Maybe I should really say deaths.
They weren't swingers but they were still our introduction to non-monogamy 30+ years ago. BFFs really. It caused many questions & possible scenarios.
The uncertainty of life & the complex stories we leave behind that may be revealed or never get to be.Should we go to the funeral? Have we been discovered? If So, would our presence cause a distraction at the funeral?
We worked through it, but thought we'd share.
Oh...and I sing at the end. (so you have been warned!)
Song...All My Life by K-Ci & JoJo
Thank You for listening, and "Just Keep Swinging"!
You can reach Mr.Sting at @JKSwingingPod on Twitter,
email at [email protected]
If you like our show and the perspective we provide, PLEASE give us a positive review on iTunes. If you don't like us, say nothing and just move along .
If you would like to know more about Lifestyle vacations, follow @PaloozaPodcast on social media or visit https://podcast-a-palooza.com
PLEASE HELP spread THE EUPHORIA EFFECT by visiting their site Toledo Adult Parties or better yet, becoming a Patreon member at Patreon.com/ClubEuphoria.
Follow them on Twitter @ClubEuphoria1 #TheEuphoriaEffect
Fascinated about swinging and other kinds of open or sex positive relationships?
Go listen to our friends at Normalizing Non Monogamy podcast. Join their community.
and...Bawdy Storytelling podcast https://bawdystorytelling.com/podcast
Other notes: We recommend watching Embarrassing Bodies & Big Mouth on Netflix for relaxing the grip of stigma, fear and poor sexual & relationship education.
Have you or a loved one contracted Herpes or another STI and are looking for resources on coping with your diagnosis? Search IG for Courtney Brame from the Podcast & Non-Profit "Something Positive for Positive People".
A resource for fighting stigma and shame, while finding community & emotional healing for people living with Herpes & other STIs.visit https://www.spfpp.org/
Other resources to consider...American Sexual Health association- ASHAsexualhealth.org @infoASHAThe- nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org @NCSH_stdcheck.com @STDcheckmylabbox.com letsgetchecked.com gettested.cdc.gov
Welcome back faithful listeners!
Today we chat about the death of a dear non-monogamous friend.
Maybe I should really say deaths.
They weren't swingers but they were still our introduction to non-monogamy 30+ years ago. BFFs really. It caused many questions & possible scenarios.
The uncertainty of life & the complex stories we leave behind that may be revealed or never get to be.Should we go to the funeral? Have we been discovered? If So, would our presence cause a distraction at the funeral?
We worked through it, but thought we'd share.
Oh...and I sing at the end. (so you have been warned!)
Song...All My Life by K-Ci & JoJo
Thank You for listening, and "Just Keep Swinging"!
You can reach Mr.Sting at @JKSwingingPod on Twitter,
email at [email protected]
If you like our show and the perspective we provide, PLEASE give us a positive review on iTunes. If you don't like us, say nothing and just move along .
If you would like to know more about Lifestyle vacations, follow @PaloozaPodcast on social media or visit https://podcast-a-palooza.com
PLEASE HELP spread THE EUPHORIA EFFECT by visiting their site Toledo Adult Parties or better yet, becoming a Patreon member at Patreon.com/ClubEuphoria.
Follow them on Twitter @ClubEuphoria1 #TheEuphoriaEffect
Fascinated about swinging and other kinds of open or sex positive relationships?
Go listen to our friends at Normalizing Non Monogamy podcast. Join their community.
and...Bawdy Storytelling podcast https://bawdystorytelling.com/podcast
Other notes: We recommend watching Embarrassing Bodies & Big Mouth on Netflix for relaxing the grip of stigma, fear and poor sexual & relationship education.
Have you or a loved one contracted Herpes or another STI and are looking for resources on coping with your diagnosis? Search IG for Courtney Brame from the Podcast & Non-Profit "Something Positive for Positive People".
A resource for fighting stigma and shame, while finding community & emotional healing for people living with Herpes & other STIs.visit https://www.spfpp.org/
Other resources to consider...American Sexual Health association- ASHAsexualhealth.org @infoASHAThe- nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org @NCSH_stdcheck.com @STDcheckmylabbox.com letsgetchecked.com gettested.cdc.gov