Nov 03 2019 40 mins 2
Some of the questions include:
- Ezekiel 18:20 lays out that children will not be punished for the sins of their fathers, yet in Esther 9:10, they hung the 10 sons of Haman with their father on the gallows?
- What happens to babies when they die, do they go to heaven or hell?
- Is there a specific chapter and verse that fully explains what happens with infants when they die?
- What is the age of accountability?
- As a Christian what should we say to someone who has lost a child?
- Are there two stages to salvation, first to be declared innocence then righteousness?
- When a child dies what are they going to be in heaven in their glorified body? - As we’re not given in marriage in heaven how would raising a child?
- What age will we be in heaven?
- What is Federal Vision and who are the pastors that hold to that view?
- Guidance on using discernment when reading books from questionable authors.
- How many questions are too many to ask a pastor in a Q&A session? (Hint: apparently 18)
- Some good references for solid online content:
- John MacArthur Grace to You –
- The Cripplegate –
- R.C. Sproul Ligonier Ministries –
- Todd Friel Wretched Radio –
- Greg Koukl Stand to Reason-
- Scott Klusendorf Life Training Institute –
- Ray Comfort Way of the Master –
- Jim Osman Kootenai Community Church –
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