Nov 11 2024 46 mins 52
Alissa, Rachel, Mike, David, and Hayes discuss last week’s election results, including the déjà vu-inducing national swing to the right, a mixed bag of state props, and many local progressive wins, including the passage of Measure A. And then: where we're finding hope and focusing energy in the weeks ahead.
California State election results
The AP VoteCast data on the Latino vote nationally and @Vanessid’s thread on the disaggregated data
LA Times: “This election showed LA voters are fed up with City Hall corruption and scandal”
The Rachel Maddow Show: “Ballot measures deliver big wins for progressive policy priorities”
Hayes wrote about getting "off the feeds and into the streets”
Rachel recommends broadening coalitions and fighting back against Trump’s Games with NOlympics LA
Mike wrote about looking for silver linings and interviewed Assemblymember Isaac Bryan for the next What’s Next, Los Angeles?
Alissa recommends volunteering at your local LAUSD school and organizing with Angelenos for Green Schools, Trust for Public Land, and the LA Living Schoolyards Coalition
David invites everyone to join LA Forward’s Election Debrief & Processing event on Tuesday, November 12 from 7-8:30 p.m. on Zoom and getting involved with future in-person events all over the county — just find a group and plug in!
Produced by Sophie Bridges