Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: School Me; CUPE Cast; Apple Box Talks; The Dig; The Valley Labor Report; LabourStart

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Feb 08 2025 35 mins   3

On this week’s Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: On the NEA’s School Me podcast, Mary Ellen goes shopping with one Florida educator to expose the reality of what it means to live on a teacher’s salary; On CUPE Cast, Moe and Brianna sit down with Brandon Hayes from CUPE Local 4948 and Nas Yadollahi from CUPE Local 79 to discuss their bargaining process as they return to the bargaining table with their employer; REEL Green Lead at Creative BC Justin Barnes discusses the organization’s efforts to move the needle when it comes to sustainable motion picture production in British Columbia on Apple Box Talks; Hannah Srajer talks with Daniel about how to build tenant unions by applying labor organizing models on The Dig; Jacob and Adam talk with Patricia Todd with Jobs to Move America about getting a local hire ordinance passed in Birmingham and react to Trump's latest attacks on federal workers on The Valley Labor Report; And on LabourStart, Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage discuss their new book 'Shifting Gears: Canadian Autoworkers and the Changing Landscape of Labour Politics'.

PLUS: Harold’s Shows You Should Know!

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Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.

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Edited by Captain Swing, produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.