Today's episode is about traditional Slovak pig slaughter. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak words related to the today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Not everyone can handle it“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few sentences talking about the Slovak pig slaughter.
Episode notes
In today's episode, I’m talking about traditional Slovak pig slaughter. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak words related to the today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Not everyone can handle it“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few sentences talking about the Slovak pig slaughter.
Slovak lesson
1. zabíjačka (a pig slaughter)
2. ošípana (a pig)
3. prasa (a pig)
4. masť (lard)
5. slanina (bacon)
6. klobása (sausage)
7. jaternica (pork sausage with rice)
8. krvavnička (blood sausages)
9. tlačenka(pressed pork meat, also known as head cheese)
10. huspenina (pork jelly)
11. udiareň (smokehouse)
12. udiť (to smoke)
1. V dedine u starých rodičov bola každý rok v novembri zabíjačka. (Every year in November, there was a pig slaughter in the village of my grandparents.)
2. Skoro ráno sa na dvore zhromaždili ľudia. (Early in the morning, people gathered in the yard.)
3. Každý mal svoju prácu. (Everyone had their job.)
4. Nechýbal ani pohárik domácej slivovice na zahriatie a odvahu. (There was also a shot of homemade plum brandy to warm up and cheer up.)
5. Nie každý zvládne zabíjačku. (Not everyone can handle a pig slaughter.)
6. Je to pre silné žalúdky! (It's for strong stomachs!)
7. Na konci dňa bolo všetko mäso rozdelené. (At the end of the day, all the meat was divided.)
8. Klobásy, slanina a šunka sa udili v udiarni. (Sausages, bacon and ham were smoked in a smokehouse.)
9. Kľúčom k dokonalému údeniu je správne drevo. (The key to perfect smoking is the right wood.)
10. Zabíjačka bola omnoho viac než len o jedle. (The slaughter was much more than just food.)
11. Bola to dôležitá spoločenská udalosť. (It was an important social event.)
12. Nie každý to zvládne. (Not everyone can handle it.)
00:36 Introduction to the lesson
02:31 About Slovak pig slaughter
10:25 Fun fact
12:56 Slovak lesson
16:36 Sentences
18:15 Sentences with translation
21:10 Final thoughts
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