How to say “Keep Traditions Alive” in Slovak; Traditions of Making Medovniky in Slovakia; Slovak Ordinal Numbers above 20; S7E19

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Dec 11 2024 24 mins   2

Today's episode is about Slovak traditions of making honey cookies for Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers above 20 and some new words related to today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Keep traditions alive“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences about Slovak honey cookies.

Episode notes
In today's episode, I’m talking about Slovak traditions of making honey cookies for Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers above 20 and some new words related to today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Keep traditions alive“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences about Slovak honey cookies.

Slovak lesson
20th dvadsiaty, dvadsiata, dvadsiate
30th tridsiaty, tridsiata, tridsiate
40th štyridsiaty, štyridsiata, štyridsiate
50th päťdesiaty, päťdesiata, päťdesiate
60th šesťdesiaty, šesťdesiata, šesťdesiate
70th sedemdesiaty, sedemdesiata, sedemdesiate
80th osemdesiaty, osemdesiata, osemdesiate
90th deväťdesiaty, deväťdesiata, deväťdesiate
100th stý, stá, sté
200th dvestý, dvestá, dvesté
300th tristý, tristá, tristé ….
1000th tisíci, tisíca, tisíce; and so on.

1. medovník (honey cookie)
2. perník (gingerbread)
3. pečivo (pastries)
4. aromatické korenie (aromatic spices)
5. jedinečné príchute (unique flavors)
6. klinčeky (cloves)
7. škorica (cinnamon)
8. aníz (anise)
9. medovníkova forma (honey cookies form)
10. Udržujte tradície nažive (Keep traditions alive)

1. Tradícia vianočných perníkov a medovníkov siaha do pôsobivej histórie. (The tradition of Christmas gingerbread and honey cookies goes back to an impressive history.)
2. Medovníky a perníky sú obľúbené vianočné pečivo. (Honey cookies and gingerbread are popular Christmas pastries.)
3. Pekári medovníkov vylepšili svoje receptúry o aromatické koreniny a jedinečné príchute. (Honey-cookie bakers improved their recipes with aromatic spices and unique flavors.)
4. Každý pekár použil klinčeky, škoricu a aníz na vytvorenie jedinečného receptu. (Each baker used cloves, cinnamon, and anise to create a unique recipe.)
5. Pekári používali rôzne formy. (Bakers used various molds.)
6. Ľudia dnes stále uprednostňujú domáce medovníčky pred tými, ktoré vyrábajú veľké firmy. (Today, people still prefer homemade honey cookies to ones made by large companies.)
7. Mnohé rodiny na Slovensku udržiavajú tradíciu pečenia medovníkov hlavne na Vianoce. (Many families in Slovakia maintain the tradition of baking honey cookies, especially for Christmas.

00:34 Introduction to the episode
02:34 Announcement
03:45 About Slovak honey cookies
05:40 Fun fact 1
08:58 Fun fact 2
13:34 Slovak lesson
15:24 Vocabulary
19:18 Sentences
20:48 Sentences with English translation
22:48 Final thoughts

If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website

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