Apr 03 2021 19 mins 1
TW // Murder
I love having a vagina, talking all things vagina, and honoring the power of da pussy! I was thirteen when I watched "The Vagina Monologues" on HBO. Shoutout to Eve Ensler for igniting in my horny, teenage self; a love of my changing body. Also shoutout to the vulva and the Skene's glands.
Twitter: @LetMeBitchBitch
IG: letmetellyousomethinbitch
I love having a vagina, talking all things vagina, and honoring the power of da pussy! I was thirteen when I watched "The Vagina Monologues" on HBO. Shoutout to Eve Ensler for igniting in my horny, teenage self; a love of my changing body. Also shoutout to the vulva and the Skene's glands.
Twitter: @LetMeBitchBitch
IG: letmetellyousomethinbitch