Jul 06 2022 12 mins 1
Does your brand already help you get more clients and earn real money?
Do you know that a powerful personal brand will lead to epic success?
Here is everything you ever wanted to know about Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs
Are you not sure if you have a real PERSONAL brand?
What are your answers to the following questions?
+ Do you know who your clients are?
+ Do you know what they truly desire that only YOU can give them?
+ Do you know how to stand out from your peers?
+ Do you have a well-defined niche? A method?
+ Whose go-to person or expert are you?
Does your brand help you to get more clients and earn real money doing what you're obviously good at? Does it bring you the level of success you long for?
If I wake you up in the middle of the night can you tell me why you are completely different from the other health, wealth, birth, lifestyle, business, wealth . . . etc. coaches?
Do you know what sets you apart from all the other health practitioners, artists, creatives, designers, organizers, social workers, musicians, shamans, photographers, researchers, yoga teachers, actresses, lawyers, chefs, farmers, scientists . . . all the entrepreneurs out there?
Do you know why you are unique and do you capitalize on that uniqueness every day?
Yes? Congratulations! You're rocking it Big Time.
Not yet?
Okay, you're not the only one. In fact, even well-known entrepreneurs find it hard to answer these questions. I've asked it thousands of times and it never gets easy.
So, I'm going to help you! Start listening.
🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast
🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com
🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/
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