#1 What Manifestation IS and what Manifestation Is NOT

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Dec 09 2024 13 mins   2

Episode 1 - What Manifestation is and what Manifestation is Not Intro: Welcome to the Let's Manifest podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Alissa Esposito, a certified life coach and manifestation expert, dedicated to helping you design and live a life that you absolutely love. Together, we're diving into the magic of the law of attraction, quantum physics, and powerful personal development techniques. Whether you're new to manifestation or seeking inspiration, this podcast offers clarity, motivation, and actionable insights. So are you ready? Let's make it happen. Episode 1 Content: Welcome. As this is the first episode for this podcast, you are likely here to learn the skill of manifestation. And I thought I'd start with the topic of what is manifestation and what it is not. Now you might be new to the world of manifestation. If so, then perhaps you think it's full of a bunch of woo woo and wishful thinking for people who are desperate and delusional. Maybe you even roll your eyes or snicker inside when you see some video telling people all they need to do is recite some mantras x number of times and voila, something's supposed to appear or happen. That their life is supposed to change, that they win the lotto, receive a huge inheritance, or even that special person magically shows up in their life. Well, perhaps that's not what you think now, but maybe that was your initial impression of manifestation before you learned more. So that leads me into what manifestation is not. Manifestation is not just positive thinking and repeating mantras. I was one of those people who thought it was woo woo. And by that, I mean empty positive words and wishful thinking. A bunch of made up BS that just gave people false hope. I think we all know that you can't just wish and hope that you change your way into making this amazing life or just making more money. While positive thinking is important and a part of manifestation, it's not the full picture. If you're thinking positively, but your underlying beliefs, emotions, are rooted in fear, lack, or doubt, that energy is going to override your positive thinking, and it will result in what you attract. Manifestation requires doing the inner work, addressing the limiting beliefs, healing emotional wounds, aligning with the feeling of already having what you desire. This is one reason why just reciting mantras over and over doesn't work. Your brain has to believe what you're reciting to yourself. It's not going to believe you if you keep saying, I'm rich, I'm rich. If your underlying feelings are rooted in scarcity and lack. So if you log into your bank account and it's always negative or it's low and your stomach just drops and you feel frustrated, down, ashamed, worried, and stressed every time you logged in, just repeating these positive mantras is not going to do anything. In order to manifest, you actually have to believe it. You have to believe in something. So honestly, if you have to repeat these mantras to yourself, it means you don't believe in it, right? What do we do then to change our belief? Well, you have to build up to those thoughts in small little increments. What could be the next believable thought? Maybe it's, I have everything I need right now. You can see just by switching your thought to that, it feels a little better than I should be rich. I should be off than I am now. I shouldn't be in debt. It's likely a thought that you can believe right now versus I am rich. Eventually, you work your way up to a higher vibrational, more abundant thought that actually feels true to you. This is shifting your belief and shifting your energy. Okay. Let's move on to number two. Manifestation is not magic. It would be super awesome if it was that easy, but it's not. There's more to manifesting. I used to be a huge Harry Potter fan. Okay, I might have been Hermione for Halloween for like a decade, but let's be honest, who wouldn't love magical powers, right? As much as I wish it was, and all I had to do was wave a magic wand, manifestation isn't magic. Things don't just appear, there's actually science behind it. The science behind it is based in quantum physics. It explains how the law of attraction actually works, how manifestation actually works, the why. I'll cover this utterly fascinating topic in a future episode. But having a background in science, when I understood the why and the how, it all made sense. That's how my brain works. It just likes to know the why and the how behind things. And in a way, I think everybody does. It helps us to strengthen our beliefs. Manifesting can take time, and it takes trust, and it requires you to come in alignment with your thoughts, your feelings, your energy, and your actions. That brings me to number three, manifesting is not a substitute for action. Manifesting does start in the mind, however, it requires more of you. It's not about sitting back and just waiting for things to happen. But it's also not just all about the hustle energy and forcing thing to happen either. You have to take inspired and aligned action towards your goals. For example, if you're manifesting a new job, it starts in the mind that thought of maybe I could have that dream job I wanted. Maybe I could be higher up in the company. But you also need to take Steps to update your resume, network, apply for the position, right? You need to go in with the mindset and the energy and the belief that that position is already yours, that you're the perfect person that they need for that position. The universe responds to your energy by taking steps towards your desires. You create the momentum and that's when things start to align in your favor. So exactly what is manifestation? Well, at its core, manifestation is the process of bringing something into your reality through the power of your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, and your actions. Manifesting is taking something from an idea, something immaterial, and making it into a reality in your world. So in essence, it's Making it happen. Okay. A little side note. When I learned that definition in particular, I was really excited because that's the name of my coaching business, the Make It Happen Project. So you can see how everything just aligned for me. Right there, that explanation of manifestation makes it a lot more tangible, a lot more realistic, understandable and relatable. It's not just some mystery, mystical, magical thing, right? It's the process in which an idea actually becomes a reality. A thought becomes an experience or a tangible thing. Everything around you was once just a thought. Let's take the example of an inventor. They come up with something in their idea in their head, and they actually turn it into an invention, a thing, or a product. Like your iPhone. That was once just an idea in someone's brain, and now you hold it in your hand. It's a product. Here's another example. If you had a goal that you're working on, let's say you wanted to complete a marathon, you have this idea of that's what you want to do. You see yourself crossing that finish line. You have the number on your chest, you have a certain outfit on, you have people in the crowd just rooting you on. That starts as a mental picture in your head. You go from that energy and you create a training routine, you sign up, you take all the steps to make it happen, and you eventually see that come to play in a physical form in your life. Manifestation requires a thought. It requires you to be in faith that that actually will happen. It requires you to align your energy and your emotions to what you are trying to manifest. And it requires you to take aligned, inspired action to make it happen. This is why so many people don't manifest what they want. They stop at the thinking phase. Or maybe it's a wishing phase for them. They don't understand what it actually takes to manifest. There's a lot of things that can block your manifestation, and these are topics for later podcast episodes. But for now, you might be telling me that you don't think you've ever manifested anything, or you don't know how to manifest. Well, I'm here to tell you that you are wrong. You are already manifesting in your life and you always are manifesting in your life. You're likely just not manifesting what you want and therefore you think you can't manifest. Let's say you're someone who's living paycheck to paycheck and you really desire to have more money in your bank account. You're probably frustrated by the lack of money. You look around your life and see where it's not measuring up. What you don't have. All the failures that you have had. The promotions that have passed you by. While your desire may be to be more wealthy, your vibrational state Of your energy is in lack somewhere. There is likely a belief that it's not going to happen for you or that you never get the raise. You're always getting passed by or that you will never be successful in life or that you can never have your own business. So you see, with that underlying thought pattern, the energy of disbelief, frustration, self pity, victimization, scarcity and lack, When you're in those energy states, that emotion, that negative energy, do you actually think that you're out there in 100 percent belief taking inspired aligned action to make it happen? Probably not. What you're going to manifest is more of the same. See, you thought you weren't manifesting yet, but you are. When we have the same thoughts, the same beliefs, the same feelings, the same actions, we are going to keep getting those same results. And you can easily see how this keeps you stuck in a cycle . And every day is kind of like Groundhog Day, right? You are not manifesting what you want. Don't feel bad if this is you. It's likely every person started right here until they learned this, or they chose to do something different. That's when things start changing. Knowing this allows you to recognize and break that cycle. It serves as a pivot point, so you can reorient yourself, your thoughts, your energy, and your actions to start manifesting what you do want in your life. So for now, I would recommend you become the observer. Observe yourself and your mind for the next week. Look to identify areas in which you feel stuck, or areas that you feel you're manifesting things you don't want. If you're lost on this, ask yourself, What do I wish was different in my life? That should give you some direction where you can look for where you're stuck at. And you can explore your thoughts around there. What emotions are you commonly feeling? This is an easy place to start from. From there, ask yourself, what common thoughts do I have that's causing these feelings these emotions? Awareness is always the first step to change. So take this small micro step this week and just observe. Don't feel bad or judge yourself for having negative thoughts and energy. It's just your starting point and you can always shift from there. Until next time, stay aligned, stay focused, and keep manifesting your dreams into reality. Let's make it happen. We hope that you've liked this episode. If so, check out the Make It Happen project, where you can learn more about the Modern Manifestation Academy. You can also find a community of like minded people and coaching resources to help you create and live your dream life. And for fun manifestation swag, check out www.themanifestationshop.com. Thanks for tuning in to the Let's Manifest podcast. And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave us a review. Let's keep the momentum going because you deserve to manifest your biggest dreams. Until next time, remember, you've got the power to make it happen.